Monday, December 19, 2011

New Lab Opening

We are excited to announce the opening of a new large laboratory for the Big Brain that will expand not only the availability of parts and resources but enable greater instrumentation working space and a new Micro Space Headquarters where micro space program research can continue.

This also increases the level of computer research due to the open net as compared to countries that block their internet such as Mainland China. The previous smaller lab in Taiwan will be retained on standby. The Big Brain project is a mobile one - and the Brain is capable of working in multi labs and multi countries. This wide cultural range of available resources is ideal for the project and opens up new levels of expansion.

There is some thought of expanding the Big Brain to an equal level in each Lab. This would enable the transfer of programs, software and projects more seamlessly. Projecting, with three expanded laboratories, a full 300,000 processors could be put into use along with upgrades. The project is currently measured by attributes of the total number of processors, speed, and projects instigated by the Big Brain.