Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Moving Project

Busy Brain Travel Schedule - Moving Project
The current shedule is travel this week to China with the objective to collect more Brain materials and transport to the new lab in Taiwan for consolidation. There are so many Brain items, it may take several packings and trips to move everything.

Moving things out of China is somewhat challenging. We're working at only 50% output because the primary computer is in China and we're in Taiwan. The portable computer does not have our Big Brain design programs and all the software. However, we do have all the new computer information for the Big Brain Morpher. But part of the Morpher is in the old small lab and also needs to be moved here to the new lab. We'll do that after the return trip.

We (Humanoido & Big Brain) are looking at bringing back over 700 GPU processors and the Right Brain sections. The left Brain is so massive (the Parallax Propeller sections) that it will be given special attention. It will take several trips and some postal shipping to complete the moving project.