Monday, February 6, 2012

Nano Telescope

This telescope is practically invisible!

Water molecules can be subdivided into smaller and smaller quantities until finally they reach nano proportions of infinitesimally small dimensions. The Big Brain has taken two droplets of water separated by a finite calculated distance, and varied their dimensional properties by the size of a controllable aperture for creating a primary lens and a second ocular lens of varied focal length to create the first Nano Refractor Telescope. The water droplets may be replaced with droplets of cured resin which can facilitate positioning in multiple dimensions. A single Nano Telescope is practically invisible and the Big Brain has enough power to simultaneously, in parallel, control over 800. 

It uses a vertical design, objective lens and ocular with two spaced platforms, with varied size pinholes, and water drops. If the pinhole becomes too small, the lens shape from the water tension is lost. Experimentally, substances, such as oil were introduced to study the effect on the shape of the lens. To negate evaporation, glycerin drops can sub for water. I began experimenting with resin and very small pinhole aperture stops of various materials. Another idea is the stretching and compressing of materials to reshape a molecular lens, thus modifying its focal length and magnification when the lens composition is slow viscous. Clear spherical beads work as tiny lenses and very small spheres are readily made and cured in low micro gravity as shown by NASA. It's possible to fabricate microscopes and magnifiers from water drops and cameras have pin hole lenses. Potential uses: tiny telescopes in the human body, a fly eye
with binocular vision, special multi-fiber optics apps, and satellite

Nano Refracting Telescopes with hardened molecular elements can be placed inside the human body non-intrusively as telescope nano eyes to remotely cure disease, correct defective genes and "strands of DNA," repair failing organs and serve as an optical view center from remote locations at a distance. Thousands of Nano Telescopes can monitor the internal human body in ways never before possible. Nano Telescopes may also simulate Fly Eyes for greater vision in robotics and satellites.
