Wednesday, June 6, 2012

GT Genius Telescope

1st Light Venus Transit
The Beginning of a New Era - the Largest Telescope Created by the Mind of the Big Brain Machine!

The new GT telescope is now in full operation and replaces the ULT Ultra Large Telescope and NULT New Ultra Large Telescope. The GT Genius Telescope is a Tri-Mode Aperture Device (TMA) capable of diameters of 1.5 mile, 15 miles, and 150 miles depending on configurations. (2,778 meters, 27,780 meters, and 277,800 meters)

First Light
First light occurred on June 6th, 2012 with the image of the Transit of Venus, GT mission objective solar radiation filtered through Venus’ atmospheric study.

Administrative Installments
Introduction of the GT Telescope installs the GT Space Administration as a subdivision to the ULTRA Space Administration.

Big Brain Aspects
Big Brain is a parallel processing machine supercomputer with 100,500 processors of varying types that has remained the stimulus for the ULT, NULT, and GT, and several space programs including Micro Space, Near Space, and Ultra Space (inclusive of rockets, space crafts, tethers, balloons, gliders, space imagers, propulsion devices, and limited manned missions (and other life) into Micro and Near Space. It has also supported a large variety of telescope types and astronomical programs engaging in a quest to explore the Universe before and beyond the known edge.

Unique Qualities
GT has unique qualities with a variable Tri Mode Aperture and retains the VAR UP Variable Universe Penetrator, adds factorial UP enhanced modes beyond 10X (FUP), includes an expanded multiple Adjunctive Array selection and has new enhancement features for increases in clarity and resolution. GT expands upon the ULT Accumulator invention making it the GT Accumulator (GTA).

Size Comparison
If the telescope was set on the Earth, aperture end to end facing up, it would span 150 miles through the atmosphere, approaching the ISS International Space Station, above the Troposphere (0 to 8 miles deep), above the Stratosphere (8 to 30 miles deep), above the Mesosphere (30 to 50 miles deep) and well into the Thermosphere (50 to 120 miles deep). This is also with the range of the Ionosphere (up to 650 miles deep) of space. The actual GT Telescope Adjunctives may remain at even farther distances spanning from the Ionosphere on out into the far reaches of deep space.

Heads Up Display
The GT has a telescope and space craft window into space which serves as an instrumentation control panel and heads up display. This is a window into the particular image view and includes data about the telescope aperture in meters and inches, a six digit numerical window index, orthogonal measurement scales, a centering index, four static position markers, the observational selected object title, a description of what's visible, a description of the mission objective, the UP Universal Penetrator setting value, details regarding the specific Adjunctive Array, details of the Multi Mag Slider (MMS) arrangement, journey time in craft mode, distance to the object being viewed, and list of credits in no particular order.

GT remains in two places at one time - both Space based and Earth based, with the instrumentation configurations and processing taking place on Earth and the raw data obtained in space above the Earth’s atmosphere.

List of Acronyms Defined
GT - Genius Telescope
ULT - Ultra Large Telescope
NULT - New Ultra Large Telescope
TMA - Tri Mode Aperture
VAR UP - Variable Universe Penetrator
FUP - Factorial Universe Penetrator
GTA - Genius Telescope Accumulator
GTSA - Genius Telescope Space Administration

Code Development Names Leading To The GT Telescope

100X 9,450-inch, 240-meter ET Extreme Telescope
This telescope is the first with multiple Adjuncts - a synthetic aperture of Multi Adjunctive design and heralds in a new era of telescopes, size is .15-mile diameter or 787-feet wide. This is equal to about twenty 40-foot wide skyscrapers placed end to end.

1,000X 94,500-inch, 2,400-meter HT Hercules Telescope
This telescope has a synthetic aperture of 1.5 miles
New Hybrid Synthetics - Telescopes with New Multiple Additive Dimensional Adjunctive Universe Penetrator Designs Completed
10,000X 945,000-inch, 24,000-meter ST Super Telescope
This telescope has a synthetic aperture of 15 miles
100,000X 9,450,000-inch 240,000-meter CT Colossus Telescope
This telescope is 150 miles wide

The GT Genius Telescope may be a precursor to the NWT - New World Telescope.
Future NWT New World Telescope
Estimating an extremely powerful synthetic aperture of 1,500-miles in diameter, linked in space to Earth, this new world telescope will puncture holes through gravity, space, time, and dimension, with phase cutting through nebula and interstellar dust & matter like a hot butter knife, reaching the farthest places throughout the Universe. Along with new technology, this telescope will be the next design building upon the 150-mile synthetic aperture telescope with the current GT and building upon the best of previous technology.
To see a description of previous technology telescopes, follow this link: