Friday, July 6, 2012

Human Brain Enhancement

Intro Breakthrough Experiment Enhances Human Intelligence

The invention of the Big Brain has led to many remarkable spin off technologies. It has originated many techniques and various methodologies involving not only the machine brain and its inner working mechanisms, but the human brain as well. Sprung off ten months ago in 2012, new machine research began that involved noninvasive connections leading to the human brain. The results of these studies and experiments outstripped our wildest imaginations.

First Experiment
At first, the experiment from machine to human used a simple protocol of waveform connection and the ability to read data in the form of electrical energy. This was highly useful in determining the first method of noninvasive connection, waveform analysis and data recording. The results were extraordinary and highly interesting to communicate with machine brains and human brains using this type of interface.

Second Experiment
The second experiment was a revelation and led to great discoveries that may change the face of the world and the minds and intelligence levels of humans. In another noninvasive connection, the machine was interfaced to a human to provide a cardiovascular stimulant within the human brain. In effect, a second noninvasive machine-based heart was created externally that worked and co-functioned in tandem with the human’s physiological heart.

Second Heart
The “second machine-based heart” duality was designed to create new functional collaterals in the human body, over applicative time, in particular for this study and experiment, increases in microscopic nerve enhancements and constructs inside the human brain. Blood flow was in effect "doubled" to the brain based on the duality function. Research results show enhancements in cardiovascular that improve brain blood circulation, have a great effect on various degrees of intelligence level, - as was also the case in a study of Albert Einstein’s brain in the 1950s which showed enhanced blood flow over that of the average brain.

The experiment continued with between 50 and 60 machine applications to the human subject over a time span of several months. In the months following, the subject recorded a diary of the physical and mental changes that occurred. This diary is partially listed here.

Enhancements from the Machine
  • greater long term memory
  • greater short term memory
  • greater intellectual capacity
  • remembrance of things long forgotten
  • recall things "not aware" in memory commitment
  • a new kind of photographic memory
  • a kind of total recall
  • ability to solve greater complexities
  • became empathic
  • gained greater patience
  • more artistic
  • gained new abilities in creativity & originality
  • more complex thinking
  • greater mental capacity
  • increased pattern recognition
  • increased pattern interpretation
  • greater mental vision
  • more look ahead moves
  • new anticipatory skill
More Subject Changes
The subject became more outgoing, changed in personality, became more vocal and talkative, achieved a level of remarkable debate, the use of language was elevated, vocabulary improved, reading comprehension was enhanced, logic improved, map interpretation accelerated, typing increased from 12 wps to peaks of 155 wps, reflex speed increased dramatically, social interactions were enhanced, new interests were formed in politics, financial markets, foreign exchanges, and many other new fields. Lifelong dreams were made a reality in a short time. New empathic abilities were remarkable, with small knowledge of the future and personalities/ body language/ thoughts and actions of others.

Enhanced Nerve & Sensory Elements
Sensory enhancements included new kinds of vision, hearing, taste, feeling, and olfactory detection. Many pages of ongoing research are now devoted to these new super power senses.

Scrap Technique
A new kind of scrap memory and access to scrap knowledge was gained along with the ability to put these knowledge scraps together to make greater and more continuous inferences coined "Symphony."

The Future
Studies will continue along with the development design of a portable suit that can give the wearer “on the fly” power and gains. Numerous studies are ongoing. This has led to a Big Brain new Era of Evolution.

More Information