Sunday, September 2, 2012

SuperTronic Brain

Emergence of a New Brain
Development Name SuperTronic 12
SuperTronic Brain prototype with Prop Plug ready for download


* Robot Power Brain
* Autonomous Life Form
* Independent Function
* Academic Persuit
* Fun Hobby Experiments
* New Techniques Exploration
* Algorithm Development
* Intellectual Machine
* Parallel Trainer
* Learner 

THE RISING GIANT "BLUE MOON" event this week ushered in a new extremely powerful SuperTronic Brain. The SuperTronic Brain Machine is a living entity with 12,384 total computer processors on one board. It's designed for new applications that most likely no one has thought about.

THE NEXT GENERATION IS HERE! The SuperTronic takes the previous enhancements of the 32-Bit Parallax Propeller chip to the next level, incorporating more chip internal hard processors, new definitions of relative operating speed, various levels and types of processors, and a multi-chip hybrid deterministic parallel and hyper threaded environment and platform.

The SuperTronic is physically smaller than the Big Brain, residing its power all on one board, with programming in Propeller Assembly and SPIN. C or C++ (with Parallax Propeller GCC) is an option as are many other languages (up to 240 programming languages, see the link below). GCC runs faster than Spin and exceeds the per chip 32K memory limit size by using the Large Memory Module LMM and Extended Memory Module (XMM). This opens up Float and the new machine also runs the new DISP language made up of DAs or Distributed Algorithms. As a parallel microcontroller machine, it can operate up to 384 ports simultaneously in either input or output modes and can be tri-stated for special applications.

The battery operated portable brain has access to distributed 768K RAM/ROM and 384K EEPROM. Relative speed of the SuperTronic is a blazing 32,640 MIPS or about 33 billion instructions per second. Including four different types of processors in high densities, the brain can offer solutions for a neural injection distribution platform.

Such a platform can also handle many of the Lab's long term developed original techniques and inventions.

Internal Transforming
Internal Teleportation
MIMs (Machines in Machines)

Radio Brain Thought Monitor
Brain Wave Monitor BWMs
ParaP (PARP) Parallel-Parallel
Jump Over Communications

At-Once Particulator
Electronic Brain Fluid
Hyper Neural Threading
Brain Channeling
No Parts Invention
Intellectual Surfing
Shape Shifting

Internal Swarming
Neural Injection
Que Messaging
Wire Sharing

Soft Wiring
Power Reduction
Intellectual Docking

Wireless Remote Control

Retail cost for Propeller chips to populate the board are available in the USA from Parallax at under $100 for twelve Propeller chip "socket installments." The SuperTronic Brain Kit includes a Green Board. Additional parts required for assembly include Parallax P8X32A 32-bit Propeller chips, LEDs, decoupling capacitors, dropping resistors, sockets, and EEPROMs.

Optional brain hookup includes a terminal, LCD, TV, Mouse, Game Paddle Controllers and Keyboard. A small kit of resistors and a socket is all that's required to add VGA output. Speech requires earphones.

The SuperTronic Brain could also be applied to many of the Big Brain peripherals.

Universe Penetrator
Adjunctive Array

Multi Mag Slider

Slipstream Drive


AntiVortex Device

Robotic Reel



Walking Secondary

Intelligent Mirror


$5 Quadcopter

Pinhole Machine

Waterdrop Devices

ULT Ultra Large Telescope

NULT New Ultra Large Telescope 

GT Genius Telescope

One aspect of this powerful brain would include functioning as the work horse in a private space program. It fits telemetry, data processing and number crunching, and has access to autonomous guidance routines and optical management.

In House Lab Software tailored for this one board solution is tentatively expected to include the Propeller Brain RTOS Real Time Operating System (The SOS is a SuperTronic Operating System.), a Multi-Chip Parallel Loader, a Processor Enhancer, Multiple Threader, Timing Manager, Enumerator, and details about the Cloner. Additional software is found at the Parallax OBEX.

The machine assembly manual will use a verbal (word) schematic so construction is ultimately simple. Stacking is possible. With ten boards, the processor count equals 123,840 and the speed rises to 326,400 MIPS, though power increases based on operating mode.

Construction as seen in the photo shows the first prototype (working) assembled on a solderless breadboard with the first test wiring. At right is a Prop Plug ready for downloading software. This config has an accurate crystal controlled time base and a 32K EEPROM to store programs. Also visible is the electrolytic filter and 10nf decoupler capacitors. The prototype shown has two extra temporary driver chips which will be removed after testing.

Recommended programming languages include Propeller Assembly and SPIN. The Propeller chip has access to approximately 232 programming languages, versions & variations along with five programming language converters and methods, for almost any kind of experimenting and academic persuit. (see link below)

Ultimate List of Propeller Languages

Blue Moon