Thursday, October 4, 2012

Paradigmic Light

A New Breakthrough in Big Brain Telescope Science & Technology

A PGT Telescope image, before view and after with Paradigmic Light

At left view shows two image views of data acquired with the Paradigmic Genius Telescope PGT. The right image shows the standard view. The left view is with Paradigmic Light. Note that all original stellar light is has undergone a transformation. The PL view shows over twice as many stars! This is the first processed telescopic paradigmic light image and all representations are approximate. PL processing can show an enormous wealth of detail brought out from the original image. The achievement of PL light uses thought processing.

This is the story of the discovery of Paradigmic Light, the process of Paradigmic Light Imaging, or PI for short, and detail about the new Paradigmic Light Machine. PI has changed the face of light imaging with the massive PGT Telescope, offering a new device that increases the value of astronomical imaging and data collection. It makes telescopes more powerful with a new kind of process and its interpreted result. Note: the length of time of applied thought to achieve PL affects results. As time increases, space become more dense and the point of stellar extinction is eliminated. If applied thought time is too minimal, results will overpass the true stellar extinction level. In the illustrative example, applied thought was not allowed to complete the result in order to produce a result within minimal time thought processing.

In the long term, Paradigmic Light can extend an actual or academic space journey of stellar proportions into a very deep and new section of space and time by the obviating definitive results of NOD New Object Discovery and Identification in terms of new baselines and positional elements. In short, the clarifying features of PL as a new form of light can supplement and significantly add to the Big Brain's aggressive program of Ultra Space exploration.

With PL,  the object density of a given star field is typically doubled. Currently PL works with stars and not irregular objects. This is the first image created with PL and may not have exact scalar representations.

BEFORE: the image is unprocessed for Telescopic Paradigmic Light. Many very faint and dim images are lost in the media of presentation, not easy to see and map, and objects at limits of detection, including stars, remain hidden from effective scientific study.

AFTER: the Paradigmic Light processed image has amplified results completely across the image’s FOV. PI processing changes the face of telescopic imaging and offers a new way to look at and increase the value of astronomical images and ultra deep space imaging. PL is currently in use at the USA Ultra Space Administration at Humanoid Labs and with the massive PGT Telescope and observatory. 

In a typical astronomical image, a number of stars are visible. These stars range from a variety of great distances, colors, positions and magnitudes. For film, as the brightness of a star increases, so does its apparent diameter on the film as with the emulsions latent image spread to adjacent particulates of silver halide. For digital imaging with CCD detectors, brightness can also effect the sensor overload causing star images to enlarge and undergo a process of machine blooming. The relative brightness of the star, or object, does not indicate its distance, i.e. brighter stars are not always closer, even if some are. It also does not indicate it’s actual size even though brighter objects may appear bigger on an astronomical image.

Bright stars can block out and mask the image of nearby dim stars within the FOV. The same holds true of other bright objects either circular or irregular in shape. Masking of one astronomical object by another can limit the value of the image within the masked region. White out, haze, glow can all obstruct portions of the image field. Unmasking is possible by employing exposure to gain multiple data for a wider range of object visibility, and then a process of recalibrating the objects can occur.

Sometimes the only way to capture faint objects is to go deep with the exposure and time integration. Multiple image integrations may be additive and assembled. This still does not preclude the masking of an object.

For several decades, many methods were tried to bring out faint objects from film and digital imaging. Various methods of Hypering including pre flashing with light, baking, and bathing with hydrogen and other hypersensitizing agents took place. Film such as Kodak High Contrast Copy and developers such as Metol offered gains in gamma to bring out low contrast objects and capture detail that may otherwise remain hiddent. For digital media, this included various forms of digital image processing and digital masking.

So a way to amplify those objects that emit radiative or reflective light, such as stars or galaxies, at the limit of the astronomical image was needed. Paradigmic Imaging does just that. PI searches the field of view FOV for the dimmest objects and performs analysis and correlates this to all objects. Accuracy is multiplied by the number of integrated exposures and data. It creates an OA or Object Avatar, a representation of the object from the limit of the original image and performs a clarifying substitution with the original object.

PL Processing rearranges the order of the stars, and some objects, in terms of their imaging Paradigmic Light diameters. The PI processing rule is the largest diameter objects are first in first served and the smallest Paradigmic Light diameters are last out last served. This prevents overwriting and over placement of the smaller objects by the larger objects, thus preserving the objects in the FOV.

TELESCOPIC PARADIGMIC LIGHT is achieved by Thought Processing. Heretofore, old methods of processing used computers and software which lacked methods of intelligence and acted upon FOVs in "across the board" applications. PL now engages Thought Processing for a high level of ascertainment.

It does not use chemicals of film processing or electronic image processing but rather a though and thinking inference engine to find, locate, and ascertain the nature of light in a given data set of astronomical observational results from deep space.

Note, this is not a map, though it may resemble a star chart due to the appearance of the light altered stellar diameters. 

The accuracy of the Telescope Paradigmic Light machine is increased by technique of mutual data identification. For example, across three image data sets, if a dim star appears in one but not the other one or two, it is considered an inflected anomaly and discarded. This avoids spurious results from in-homogenous graining, incongruent blooms, manifestations of recalcitrants such as reflections, processing anomalies, and other.

PL light is created by transformation methods of establishing a background base from which limit discernment magnitude objects are found and discovered, as well as non-limit objects. Non-limit objective defining is the easiest in star fields where automation of light sensors can detect objects, measure their diameter extent and create transformations from data into PL light views. The process is complicated by wisps and knots of interstellar nebulae and requires an intellectual process of discernment, so it would seem. The overall process can of course use the one for three rule, where one object is confirmed in three data sets to maintain viability and accuracy. Even a one for two rule may be all that's necessary. But one technique treats such things as objects and previous obviated delineation is discarded to obtain a more simplistic base. In the first attainment image of PL light, the focus is obviously stellar in nature and the juxtaposition of object avatars is performed on stellar objects only, though it may be increased to include galaxies and other objects in the future.

PL Light Expansion
This is a light technology that can expand to indicate the following:
  • Magnitude
  • Position
  • Spectral Characteristics
  • Objective Classification (Object Type)
  • Cartographic Reference Number
On the other hand, the FOV is kept simple and free of any cartographic notations, as this can remain in design as close as possible to a new kind of space imaging result with the largest world telescope - the PGT.

Note that in the limits of deep Ultra Space, no cartographic results or numerical indices may be available for comparison, as this is a new exploratory device taken to the limits of time and space, and beyond.