Saturday, March 30, 2013

PGT Telescope ET Version

This is the beginning of the Newest Paradigmic Genius Telescope with Extreme Technology - the PGT ET

ABOVE PHOTO: A predecessor telescope was pointed at a known empty place in space and time. Look what happened! Hundreds of new objects appear in this view acquired with the massive telescope. The new PGT-ET will have capabilities thousands of times greater. With the new thought processors being introduced, a door to the quantum world may open.

We're really stoked! It's time to toot our horn about this new telescope. If you don't like tooting, look away! (Shock and Awe about to appear!) We think the power from this extreme technology telescope will result in new discoveries and new ways of thinking about telescopic instrumentation in the future.

THE PGT-ET is the first telescope in the technology series to introduce thought, and integrate all three dimensional qualities - that of space, time and thought.

New Paradigmic Reasoning and telescopic exploration may include quantum worlds.

Not much is known to the outside world about the inner workings of the newest PGT-ET telescope, which is based on Parallax Propeller chips and the Big Brain supercomputer, simply because time did not permit blogging. Let's begin to rectify this situation by examining many of the features of the of the largest telescope in the Big Brain's arsenal of powerful astronomical precision instrumentation.

Note: the PGT Paradigmic Genius Machine Telescope is based on previous telescopes and has some of the same or enhanced combined features of the GMM microscope, and ULT, NULT, GT telescopes, and others, as discussed below. This is the PGT Extreme Telescope performance version (PGT-ET vers.)

The PGT-ET is the most sophisticated telescope ever constructed within the Big Brain Machine's initiative and dominion. It's instrumentation alone includes over seventy advanced controls and devices for honing in not only on astronomical objects but rather the very nature of the web of a cosmic future and past, where time is a key to unlocking the fabric of the unknown. The telescope uniquely merges space, time and thought.

What is this stuff about thought? As we know in the quantum world, merely thinking about something and looking at it will change the order of events in space time. Worlds will change. New doors will open. Therefore, the importance of observation and thought will be incorporated into future machines.

The largest series of Big Brain telescopes were designed and built to explore the greatest reaches of the Universe and to break through into other dimensional qualities of space time. The latest PGT-ET introduces the most unique, advanced and sophisticated controls ever devised on a Big Brain Initiative telescope.

Historically, the predecessor GT Telescope has a good track record, exploring the edge of the Sun, a black hole's relativistic temporal event horizon and the 2012 transit of Venus across the face of our solar system's star.

Historically, the PGT has explored the region of M42 with stunning views of this stellar nursery
The following is a collection of information from various posts that will facilitate a new graphics design showing the function of the PGT-ET. This will also become the basis and reference point for a new ET Extreme Telescope.

THE PGT-ET TELESCOPE has a Tri-Mode Aperture Device (TMA) capable of diameters of 1.5 mile, 15 miles, and 150 miles depending on configurations. (2,778 meters, 27,780 meters, and 277,800 meters). The Variable Tri Mode Aperture is accessible and retains the VAR UP Variable Universe Penetrator, adding factorial UP enhanced modes beyond 10X (FUP). This includes an expanded multiple Adjunctive Array selection and has new enhancement features for increases in clarity and resolution. The incorporated GT function expanded upon the ULT Accumulator invention making it the GT Accumulator (GTA) which incorporates into the PGT-ET as the PGTA.

Controls also include Adjunctives, Heads Up Display, Six digit numerical window index, orthogonal measurement scales, a centering index, four static position markers, the observational selected object title, a description of what's visible, a description of the mission objective, the UP Universal Penetrator setting value, details regarding the specific Adjunctive Array, details of the Multi Mag Slider (MMS) arrangement, journey time in craft mode, and distance to the object being viewed. This also incorporates TMA - Tri Mode Aperture, VAR UP - Variable Universe Penetrator, FUP - Factorial Universe Penetrator

It has Concatenated Adjuncts: Drawing in Radio, Radio satellites now come into the equation of the PGT and can be incorporated into the collective. Of course this does not preclude XRAY, Ultraviolet, Infrared, and low and high bands. Multiplicity: The Paradigmic GT telescope now has access to satellites on other moons and planets, landed probes and probes in the process of landing, and for the first time can include data collection points on the Earth using interferometry. Interferometry: The technique of interferometry is now introduced to the PGT telescope with the advent of wider band incorporation. This serves to boost up the aperture significantly. Adjunctive Positioning: Aperture Determinations - the factors that now determine aperture in the new PGT Telescope include the following: Adjunctive Multiplicity, Adjunctive Type, Adjunctive Position, Character Selection Wavelengths, Interferometry Usage, UP Universe Penetrator, MMS Multi Mag Slider

Time Travel Into the Past  The PGT can undoubtedly travel back in time as determined by the cosmic distance scale of the selected observational object. This can range from approximately zero (real time) to the age of the Universe, about 13.75 billion years since the time of the Big Bang. The Telescope Viewer already reflects this data number for study and reference. Time Travel into the Future: What about travel into the future? The Big Brain is beginning to study Super Massive Black Holes which have Relativistic Event Horizons and gravity wells that change space and time, and in some conditions can offer travel into the future. How the Paradigmic Genius Telescope and the Big Brain will use this technology remains to be seen.

The Prime Directive: The GT Genius Telescope is operated by the Big Brain machine, a supercomputer with 100,500 processors of varying types. The PGT has expanded upon this. The GT Telescope ultimately exceeded its Tri Aperture Mode maximum of 150 miles, transforming into 7,000 miles in aperture in this epic experiment and reconfiguration. This constitutes a paradigmic shift in technology offered by the Big Brain project. The New Multi Selective Adjunctive design was the next step in making massive gains in resolution and increasing the aperture by a quantum leap. The ULT uses a singular Adjunctive and now with use of multiple Adjunctives ushers in the age of the ET Extreme Telescope and beyond. What's beyond ET?

These new large telescope are made possible with the use of the new Accumulator invention. The new Accumulator invention for the ULT Telescope is simply revolutionary because it enables a quantum jump increase in apparent resolution and telescope size. It accomplishes this by combining the data from two or more, or many Adjuncts. The Accumulator can also sum the accumulated data from a single Adjunct, making the entire Telescope perform with significant enhancement. No longer is the Universe Penetrator (UP) the only device that can increase and amplify telescope resolution and apparent size (by 10X). The Accumulator has brought about enhancements of 100X and 1000X on top of the UP's capabilities. Along with the UP, this converts to 1000X and 10,000X. This is not an empty magnification reference at all, but rather references resolutions that determine functional aperture of the Telescope. It puts the telescope aperture into the range (from 24 meters) of 1.5, 15, and 150 miles wide. The accumulator also increase the clarity and field penetration yielding new powerful data about places in space and time.

The Electronic Lens Booster is a special optional lensing parameter can be applied to any Resultant. The Electronic Lens will image the central portion of a Resultant causing a magnification boost. The Booster software comes from an extracted parasitic function of GIMP 2.8.3 under the GNU General Public License. In the above results, the ELB was not applied. ELB works well with large FOV. The ELB photo shown here is amplifying the central portion of one portion of a Propeller Cog inside the chip.

The PGT ET blogs may follow the American Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), passed by Congress in 1966 and amended in 1996.

"For one moment, step inside the Extreme Technology telescope and experience the vast new rich control panel and a wealth of stellar field of features available to explore and unfold new worlds."

Partake in "World Unfolding" with this new technology telescope.

The new PGT ET (Paradigmic Genius Telescope Extreme Technology version) has at least 90 powerful features on the preliminary development list which will be implemented by the time you start seeing imagery from the telescope. The massive PGT ET Telescope borrows high technology from the GMM Genius Molecular Microscope for extreme performance. Coupling together the molecular technology of the GMM microscope with the PGT telescope has created an unprecedented machine within the Big Brain Initiative. Acronyms are given to coordinate standards for writing and presenting scientific papers.
The PGT ET is also the latest edition to the Genealogy.

ADJ    - Adjunctives
AA     - Adjunctive Array
SA     - Singular Adjunctive
MA     - Multiple Adjunctives
CAs    - Concatenated Adjuncts
AP     - Adjunctive Positioner
AMU    - Adjunctive Multiplicity Unit
NMSA   - New Multi Selective Adjunctive
SADJ   - SCORE Adjunctives 
ADJT   - Adjunctive Typer

GTA    - GT Accumulator
ULTA   - ULT Accumulator
ACC    - Accumulator
PGTA   - Paradigmic Genius Telescope
            Extreme Telescope Accumulator

MA     - Mag Adjuster

AH     - Analyzer Head
TMA    - Tri Mode Aperture Device
TMA    - Thousand Mile Aperture
TAM    - Tri Aperture Mode
VTMA   - VARIABLE Tri-Mode Aperture Device

DT     - Data Crawler
BA     - Baseline Attenuator
SA     - Sharp Attenuator
CSWA   - Character Selection Wavelength Attenuator 

ELB    - Electronic Lens Booster 
BF     - Booster Function Device
B      - Booster

BD     - Baseline Detector

HR     - Highlight Reducer

JTD    - Journey Time Determinator

UP     - Universe Penetrator
VAR UP - Variable Universe Penetrator

MGEN   - Multiplicity GENERATOR

IUP    - Interferometry Usage Peg
IM     - Interferometry Mode

PS     - Paradigmic shifter
RS     - Resultant Singularity
TP     - Thought Processor 

SAADS  - Single Adjunct Accumulated Data Summator

BBS    - Big Brain Supercomputer
PP     - Post Processor
HP     - Hot Preprocessor
SP     - Stepping Processor
CP     - Capture Processor 

HCE    - Hot Cold Equalizer

PS     - Processor Stage
SC     - Stage Calculator

OPU    - Object Preparatory Unit
MOT    - Mag On Top Unit

MMS    - Multi Mag Slider
MMSEM  - Multi Mag Slider with Engagement Multipass

FUP    - Factorial UP Enhanced Modes Beyond 10X
PO     - Phase One Telescope Mode
PSM    - Phase II Paradigmic Shift Mode
SHE    - Spectral Hydrogen Enhancer 
ME     - Multi Enhancer

PLA    - Paradigmic Light Applier 
PLE    - Paradigmic Light Enhancer
APL    - Accentuated Paradigmic Light Phaser
PLT    - Paradigmic Light Teleporter  

EPF    - Extracted Parasitic Function Device 

HUD    - Heads Up Display
TDP    - Triple Density Portal 

PTT    - Time Travel Into the Past
FTT    - Time Travel into the Future 
JTCM   - Journey time in craft mode

NWI    - 6-digit numerical window index
OMS    - Orthogonal measurement scale
CID    - Centering INDEX Device
SPM    - 4-static position markers 
DIS    - Distancer to the object viewed
STR    - Straightner

SAM    - Shadow Amplifier

D      - Definitionizer
A      - Antinoisier

I      - Intensifier
CI     - Color Intensifier 

UT     - Ultimate Resolutionator

ETCE   - Enhanced Technology Controls Enabler

EN     - Enlarger Unit

CSC    - Contrasting Set Comparator

CEB    - Configurative Electronic Barlow
SLD    - Spot Lensing Device 

E      - Exponentiator
BH     - Broad Highlighter
L      - Levelizer
S      - Saturizer
VU     - Vignetter Unit
E      - Exposer
DV     - Dark Visioner

PDR    - The Prime Directive Rule

MO     - Mission objective 

A PGT-ET Instrumentation Control Panel is under construction for the telescopic Window View Port. The termed "thick glass" portal window is the key to showing enhanced results across a wide FOV.

It's expected that the PGT-ET version telescope will outstrip our wildest imaginations in terms of visual performance and discovery, based on the performances of previous telescopes and machines. It's currently open as to which research fields will be approached and which subjects will be chosen for the initial tests. Some thought is about pointing the massive adjunctive telescope towards the Solar System's largest volcano Olympus Mons on Mars for tests. The question that will possibly be answered by the PGT-ET is, "Is it possible to image Martian Olympus Mons and if it's open at the top, to journey down into the volcano, and how far down will this journey take us and what hidden inexplicable unknowns lie inside?" Other subjects are being considered.

The PGT-ET Pardigmic Genius Enhanced Technology Telescope may see installed management by a cooperation of Humanoido, Humanoido Laboratories, DSC Deep Space Center, Big Brain Machine Initiative, the ULTRA Space Administration, and NASA. The PGT-ET follows the Prime Directive and the philosophy of Humanoido Laboratories. The Big Brain is a semi-cognizant machine currently conducting its own projects and exploring science and the Universe. As part of the Big Brain Initiative, scores of unique and powerful telescopes are built and tested as tools in exploring space.