Saturday, April 13, 2013

PGT-ET Telescope Finds Dragon Head

This Dragon is protecting the Star Queen and her Star Babies!

We're completely stoked over another mind blowing trip into the depths of cosmic deep space made with the new telescope. Out at the 7,000 light year distance radius, the cosmic perimeter is penetrated with the power of the PGT-ET Telescope, and once again new discoveries are revealed!

— There's a cavern that acts as a stellar nursery, an incubator of the Queen's star babies. —
Facing to the right inside the photo, a new discovery made with the PGT-ET telescope shows a ferocious Dragon, now coined "the Dragon Head Nebula," which is hidden deep within the Star Queen's celestial territory of interstellar dust and matter known as NGC 6611. Who knew? Apparently the flying Dragon, with glowing eyes, is protecting the Queen.

The Star Queen (IC 4703) is made up of diffuse emission nebula and holds onto approximately 460 youthful "open cluster type" young stars in the constellation Serpens. They reside in a very bright school with a luminosity up to one million times our Sun. There's also a cavern that acts as a stellar nursery an incubator of star babies.

The blue in forefront of the Dragon's head is from glowing oxygen and the more reddish aft color is from glowing hydrogen, both energized by glowing ultraviolet light.

The Star Queen lives in a nebula with pillars and has a star nursery. The nursery is a crypt of star babies being born. The Queen also has a small army of young stars surrounding her kingdom

The protostar babies are not hot enough to emit dangerous X-rays so the area is claimed radiation safe from this spectral source particle range. The region also holds several structural pillars composed of star forming dust and gas within the domain. Apparently no one looked in the direction to find the lurking Dragon Head protecting the Queen.

Studies show an army of "Supernova" particles is headed towards this region. Will the Queen's nebular shield be enough to protect the new borns? Only time will tell.