Tuesday, April 16, 2013

PGT-ET Telescope & Mars Volcano Olympus Mons

PGT-ET Telescope Looks Inside Mt. Olympus Volcano on Mars
This is a very deep and spectacular Adjunctive Paradigmic telescopic view obtained with the PGT-ET that does more than just show Mars’ Mt. Olympus - it actually takes you on a fantastic journey through the interior, traveling all the way to the deepest depth and finally a touch-down on the bottom!

What strange and fascinating objects dwell at the deepest darkest subterranean depths of the Martian nether world? What unusual things reside through the Caldera hole, down on the floor 620 miles deep into the bowels of the inferno? Which treasures are locked up for millions of years? This is a place where no human has previously journeyed. Partake in this exciting adventure as we enter into the volcano and discover things beyond our wildest dreams...

We said that we would attempt to find the volcano, zoom down on it from a relative near top position, peek inside from the top opening if possible, then actually zoom down along the sloping interior walls and finally reach the bottom floor to determine what’s there.

We managed to find Olympus Mons (see marked position on round disc photo) and image the complete volcano from the outside. Focus was then placed on the Caldera at the top, which is a volcanic ventral opening at the peak. Expecting a Dante Inferno inside, we cautiously peered inside the mysterious and ultimately massive vent chasm. We moved down the caved-in slopes, into the bowel lining of ancient Martian intestinal walls, and penetrated as deep as possible through the chamber's hole, finally reaching the bottom, which produced views of spectacular Martian landscapes and features.

It was a surprise when the telescope actually looked inside the massive volcano on Mars and reached the floor. The hole looked-through is 370 miles wide. Compared to the baseline at Amazonis Planetia, the volcano rises to an elevation of 620 miles.

Penetrating the Caldera pot is a significant project, finding several platform floors developed by impact craters and vulcanism. No active lava beds, fire, or smoke were observed. There are no visible active fire ventral openings to the subterranean mantel or Martian core. There is no evidence of animals, foot prints, or complex structures made by advanced Martian civilizations.

What the walls did exhibit are ancient landslides and shallow coverings of Martian dust and “sand.” Swept erosion is evident as the very ancient territory is dated. It appears that at least five eruptive periods of volcanic activity happened, each producing its own subterra.

Down at the lowest and deepest base floor, eroded lava flows are evident. Externally, great winds and dust storms swirl around violently at the wall base, creating sand dunes and systematic patterned drifting.

Newer craters were produced by rock penetrating the thin atmosphere and reaching the bottom. Magma flow is marked and aligned in a downward direction near the floor’s central endowment. Meteorites are found down here.

Evidence of great magma swells and retractions are visible as contoured marination extends to the perimeter. There is also some resemblance to residual impelled shock waves frozen in the carnage of magma surrounds.

Several smaller magnanimous spires rise up from the bottom, frozen in space time. Small craters litter the bottom but not in large numbers. Light bounces around on the bottom creating faint patterns of uneven illumination. Due to the large hole opening, sunlight can enter and cast shadows at the base of the slope.

The mountain walls and/or contributing slopes, rising up or extending down, appear to have highly reflective albedo, perhaps indicative of a layer of white hoar frost which forms during the night. Creatures, permafrost, bacteria, and organisms with smaller size than the limiting telescope resolution could reside here. The interior offers some haven protection against solar radiation at low sun angles and massive global dust storms at the opposite wall directions.

This is the first test of the AH Analyzer Head which introduces and denotes, from small to large positional scale, a final image position. This is the first time the AH was put into use and further adjustments may be needed.