Friday, April 12, 2013

PGT-ET Ring Nebula New Discoveries

The PGT-ET Telescope Shakes Loose New Discovery - COSMIC STRIATIONS

Last night we pointed the new massive Paradigmic Adjunctive PGT-ET telescope at M57, the Ring Nebula in Lyra. For the first time with M57, we fully utilized the Molecular Processor on the telescope, looked at a portion of the "smoke" Ring's puffy arm and a spectacular view appeared, blazing with new discoveries.

The massive PGT ET Telescope borrows high technology from the GMM Genius Molecular Microscope for extreme performance. Coupling together the molecular technology of the GMM microscope with the PGT-ET telescope has created an unprecedented machine within the Big Brain Initiative. The Molecular Processor was introduced on the PGT Telescope. The telescope has an unprecedented light gathering ability and exemplifies extremely high resolving power in this image, a highly detailed section of the ring is magnified.

The PGT-ET Telescope rattles the cage of the Universe —

 1) The tiny ring, at 2,300 light years distance, was never seen with this appearance — showing a massively large and fully interconnecting molecular striation pathways of glowing red hydrogen and nitrogen "flames" blazing across and within the ghost ring's annular.

2) In places, the ring is so tenuous, it has gaps and large holes that "see through" to not only a deeper interior but penetrate to another side of space time.

3) Looking into and through the largest hole, we can actually see new objects in space, likely never before seen.
At left, through a smaller telescope, the ring is relatively featureless and uneventful. Visually, the Ring Nebula appears as a tiny puff of smoke, without color, like a smoke ring. Larger telescope begin to show the 15th magnitude central star.

The PGT-ET Telescope changes the previously known appearance of M57 completely. Casting the massive telescopic aperture onto the ring's annular brings in spectacular detail and has yielded at least three new initial discoveries. It will take weeks and months to fully analyze this data.

"The Ring Nebula (also catalogued as Messier 57, M57 or NGC 6720) is a planetary nebula in the northern constellation of Lyra.[5] Such objects are formed when a shell of ionized gas is expelled into the surrounding interstellar medium by a red giant star, which was passing through the last stage in its evolution before becoming a white dwarf."