Monday, April 29, 2013

Space Launch Slated for Thursday

Our new schedule just in, cites the human spacecraft launch will take place on Thursday, May 1st, 2013. Government registrations are completed and approved. Exploration of Near Space and the deployment of the Tiny Space Telescope, with a study of our new GPS instruments are currently scheduled for this flight.

It was decided to go ahead with back to back space launches and recoveries to double the amount of collectible space data. This is also double the amount of work to conduct the space program. We hope to collect usable data and images with the first Tiny Space Telescope. This could include daytime solar and night time star imagery for the testing of future celestial navigation.

The Big Brain machine appears intent on running with both manned and unmanned versions of its space program. Currently the space program is using a new PDT, a Power Dynamic Telescope, in tandem to explore black holes and the edge of the Universe.