Thursday, May 9, 2013

Gravatomic Machine

The new Gravatomic Machine is seeking out new gravitational anomalies in space and beyond. In particular, The G machine is being used on the new GGT Telescope to break cosmic barriers and seek out new space in between the Multiverse. The G machine may become the tool necessary to break through the warped space time curvature of this universe and transcend to a new realm.

There are some areas where space and time does not exist, and other areas where space and time are mixed with different types. It takes special equipment and special telescopes to seek out these regions and perform studies to gain more knowledge and understanding of their inner mechanisms and how they work, and where they reside.

The G machine works in several ways. By setting gravitometric data based on point to point observations of objects undergoing space time specific gravity wave transforms and comparing to the most massive positional changes and object reformations with a cache of scattered scale reference objects, relative static devices, a scale of gravitometric lensing foci imaging and mapping is achieved.

This is used to forward the image of the causation source resulting in imagery when pipelined to/from a telescope such as the new GGT. How fast can the G  Machine work? The  machine is now in the testing phase and more information will become available. The G machine uses several constructs and it will take time to test and experiment with each.

The First Gravatomic Machine - 12 Functioning Guts
01) Static Mechanism Identifiers Array SMIA
02) Cached SMI Unit to hold the object array CSMIU
03) Gravity Wave Transforms GWT
04) Calibratory Unit to adjust to space time CUSP
05) Internal Measurement Mapper IMM
06) Cosmic Gravitometric Comparator CGC
07) Induction Extrapolator
08) Resultant Contender Device RCD
09) Foci Collector FC
10) Universal Expansion Recorder UER
11) Object Interpolator OI
12) Massive Imaging Coils MIC

The G machine currently uses a supercomputer at the ULTRA site and GGT Operations Center to execute functions and to achieve a reasonable speed of operations. More information will follow as the G machine undergoes testing, debugging, and potential rewiring improvements, along with GGT Telescope pipelining. The G machine is also referred to as the Super Gravatomic Machine SGM in previous posts and documents, and adds all twelve functions to the GGT controls.