Sunday, June 9, 2013

Monster Machines

Source Example of machine connectivity. The bit coin mining rig experiment claims to have led to a network eight times more powerful than the world's top 500 super computers combined. These machines are locked into archaic wires, electronics, boards and power supplies. Ongoing work at Humanoido Labs is working with the inter-connectivity of different types of monster machines, without boards, wires, electronics and power supplies.
LOOK MA, NO WIRES! Coined Monster Machines for their extraordinary and daunting size as measured by their returns on research and their huge and enormous extent of returned new-type data, these monstrous machines are prodigious and tremendous not only in new research and findings but impacts towards moving to a horizon's edge of new burgeoning science.

Is it possible to connect together 2 or more new monster machines and end up with new results? That's exactly what the lab is working on with several new machines and now has results for analysis.

There are numerous types of monster machines that can potentially work together to create a new view of the universe and the immediate worlds and hidden space that surrounds us. Procedural Machines and the entire range of recently introduced machine types which include Augmentation, Thought, Imagination, Molecular, Gravatomic, Inference, and the AAR Alternate Reality Machine are now available for experimentation.

Moleculars plus Altered Reality
The first test combined the two machines — the Molecular Mining Machine M3 and the AAR Altercated Alternated Reality Machine. The results produced are shown at left. This is the first time a view in moleculars and supplanted altercated alternated reality created a new view of special alternate reality. To accomplish this experiment, first the M3 was used to achieve the molecular data. Next, the AAR Machine was applied to alter matter, space and the flow of time. These tests and experimental combinations may also employ powerful telescopes, as these machines pipe fit onto most of the telescope series.

Monster Machine Era
Monster Machines
Lab Machine Evolution
Machine Variety

New machines in May included Gravatomic, Molecular, Inference, and Alternate Reality. The AAR Machine can see alternate realities.The Gravatomic Machine was pipe fit onto the GGT Telescope to see objects in gravatomic constructs. The Molecular Machine was fit on the MMT to see objects in molecular transformations. The Inference Engine was developed for elements of idea, creativity, vision, innovation, reasoning, interpolation, extrapolation, and running experiments to explore the sixth dimensional element of Imagination Power. In June, the Procedural Machine was constructed.

With all the Monster Machines, the current goal is to create a stand alone operational black box unit for each that can accept input, not necessarily from a telescope. This permits the viewing of AARs forming in the local neighborhood of observed dimension. We also think it may be possible to stream such data and see real time dimensional altercation-alternations.