Friday, June 7, 2013

Procedural Machine

We've come a long way in the past year, evolving machine technology in the Lab. The Big Brain Initiative and the work at Humanoido Labs has created a number of remarkable and startling machines. The latest is the new Procedural Machine (PRO-M) which promises to unfold a new era in machine technology, interfacing the human mind as a connecting functional conduit with machines and operating parts of the machine.

— the human mind is the linking conduit for two halves or parts of the machine —

These new machines are being developed and refined at the Lab. Work continues on numerous types of machines, including Procedural Machines and the entire range of recently introduced machine types including Augmentation, Thought, Imagination, Molecular, Gravatomic, Inference, and the AAR Alternate Reality Machine. The Lab's objective is to develop new machines that can see and explore the worlds that surround us, in new light and new ways that lead to new visions and new interpretations of this universe and what lies hidden within and beyond.

HALF 1 MACHINE  <===>  PRO-M   <===>  HALF 2 MACHINE
Text diagram of a PRO-M interfacing two halves of a machine using the human mind as a linking conduit

Procedural Machines have a series of steps to follow that comprise a procedure to make specific accomplishments.

The procedural Machine can connect and link two halves of a singular machine or it can link two entirely different machines. It can also link a part of a machine, such as a Boiler face Plate with controls to the main part of parent machine. Procedural machines have a set of procedures to follow; a step by step sequence to do the actual interfacing.

The most unique aspect of a Procedural Machine is it can be made up by the components of a human mind. The human brain will be the intervening mechanism to make the connections between the additional machine elements. Operating the Altercated-Alternated Reality Machine (AAR) is a good example. It uses a Procedural Machine to interface its Boiler Face Plate controls with the actual functions. Applications are unlimited.

The Procedural Machine (PRO-M) is remarkable because it can join not only new modules to powerful telescopes, but it can also join varied powerful telescopes together. It can join controls and functions, adding on new capabilities, and interface new machines to telescopes, and interface one machine to another. It can interface parts of a machine. The PM is far reaching. It can unlock a new era in creating the most advanced machines of all time in the Lab.

AAR Machine New Controls Arrangement
AAR Control Boiler Plate
AAR Machine Projected Control Mapping
AAR Reality Machine Controls Developed

The small scale of the experiment could lead to larger effects including the induction of the very transformations, juxtapositions that were being sought. In a bolder step, from a step by step procedural progression, alternate reality could be created by a human and then birthed into altercated alternated reality by means.

Once the human mind is incorporated into a PRO-M, the door is opened up to the use of new burgeoning fields of inter-connectivity and incorporation of sciences, such as Pure Thought, Quantum Worlds, Alternated Realities, Vast Inference Engines, and the Imagination.

In the case of the latter, within the reference frame of the Multiverse, our Lab's state theory of the Universe, for example, says that given infinite time and the evolution of alternate comparative universes, every given possible state of the universe that can be imagined will take place, will form, will evolve, and thus verifying the importance of the element of the imagination as a real world dimensional quality and real dimension that cannot be discounted. Although one may discount imagination as anything but real, the fact is it's very real in the overall dimensional universe.

The Lab's objective is to develop new machines that can see and explore the worlds that surround us, in new light and new ways that lead to new visions and new interpretations of this universe and what lies hidden within and beyond.