Monday, July 22, 2013

Fish Oil Telescope Lens

The Humanoido Lab was successful in creating hundreds of perfectly formed refracting lenses, of varying size, using fish oil. The objective is to create optics using materials other than glass that circumvents the many hours needed for grinding, polishing, figuring, testing and coating. Such methods could be used for rapid creation and deployment of telescopes in low Earth orbit, on non-orbital missions, spinning in deep space, on the lunar surface, and on the Earth.

These lenses employ a clear and pure fish oil extracted from Cod fish that comes from the deep ocean. The surface tension of a substrate is enough to hold the lens in place and is conducive to the collection of droplets and the formation of the convex curvature. The Cod oil has a propensity to collect together and thus perfect round convex lenses are created.

The oil is processed before lenses are created. A recipe of cooking the oil precipitates its consistency before the lenses are made and held in place.

It's possible to vary the diameter of the lens from small to large. The amount of collective oil is directly proportional to the diameter of the lens. The size, amount of oil, weight of the lens, amount of surface tension, and the collective attraction of oil to oil, all contribute to the lens FL focal length process.

Small lenses are teased to join other lenses, forming larger lenses in the process. Keeping the process slow in formation will reduce or eliminate bubbles. The fish oil has a very light viscosity keeping the lens interior very pure and bubble free, perhaps significantly more so than plate, pyrex or other glass created specifically for telescopes.

It may be possible to substitute other carrier liquids (instead of water) to form the lenses and vary their properties. For example, using the CRC Handbook of Physics, a higher viscosity material may be found. As the viscosity varies, the size and depth of the lens also varies.

A collective (top right in the photo) was placed in the substrate and allowed to fill. The idea is to produce a creation vessel for a much larger lens. The results were successful and encouraging and could lead to creating much larger refracting telescope lens objectives of extremely pure quality.

So far, the 40-inch Yerkes Refracting Telescope doesn't have much competition as these lenses still remain under the 14-inch diameter mark due to the limitations of the experimental containment vessel.