Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Radio Telescope Observatory Lab 58


A radio telescope laboratory is in the works at the Asian Arena International Taiwan location, being built as part of the open sky-faced balcony radio observatory BRO project. The purpose of the radio telescope is to observe radio sources, particularly the Sun and the planet Jupiter, as well as any signals that may be of extraterrestrial origin.

Taiwan is an island favorably faced by ocean on all sides - the South China Sea, the East China sea, and the Pacific Ocean. This water is uninhabited and creates a surrounding zone of quiet radio, more than a land surrounded counterpart. Taiwan has the greatest zones of uninhabited ocean space to the North towards Japan and to the east leading out into the deep ocean. Ideally situated is the city of Taipei to the extreme North of Taiwan that takes advantages of these oceanic voids.

The equipment deploys a decametric 10-band radio receiver and a custom constructed antenna designed to match the correct frequency or to engage in a tunable sweep. Additional components include an electronic computerized strip chart recorder which handles the signals fed through the computer's sound card, and a DVM for numerical output, plus an audio buffer to match the signals to the equipment. Additionally, audio out permits one to listen to the actual signal for tuning and signal acquisition. This also helps in the case of guiding on moveable objects like satellites, spy planes, military vehicles, and alien spacecraft should one make a dramatic entrance into air space.

It's planned the antenna will have a moveable scaled mounting to be able to track both natural and artificial sources, including satellites and aircraft. As part of a Tiny SETI Program, the mount will move to track anomalous sources which could be of extraterrestrial origin.

We don't necessarily subscribe to the notion that first contact will result in the microwave spectrum. We believe other broadband frequencies may be used for wide spectrum first contact. Our deepest belief is that advanced aliens would use a technology for transmitting and receiving particles which we are currently not aware of.

This radio observatory could tap into an alien civilization which is evolving around a star, given its radio signature is bright enough to be seen by the equipment. So this technique of First Contact uses this method which first detects their TV, radio, and other sources of activity. This is a viable program that could examine closer star systems in the North from East to West in scans, as recently planets around stars were discovered as close as a hundred light years away that reside in the habitat zone where it is believed that life could be supported.

Most of these detected planets are quite large, having their detection based on the gravity wobble influencing its star. The intense gravity on these planets would evolve very large life which is able to cope with great gravity. Our technique is indicative of detecting radio bright planets and not directly observing the stars. So these planets detected could be very small but exhibiting very bright radio signatures. 

In this setup, it's ET who needs to phone us as we have the receiver. We are not going to transmit any signals or give out our location position indicating that any intelligent edible life may live on Earth. The problem is that predator ET may live out there and want to eat us. The Asian Arena International Taiwan Radio Open Sky-faced Balcony Observatory Laboratory 58 is ideal to mask our identity with only one way communications from the aliens to the Earth. 

So far, the project has spent a total of about $10 for the multi-band tunable receiver. The antenna is in the works. The software is Mac based and free. The computer is the Big Brain already in operation. The buffer will be constructed. The DVM is already in the lab. Additional software may be provided by the BIG Brain using Propeller chip technology. It's possible other software will be programmed and written on a supporting iMac computer. Our budget, not counting the equipment already on hand, is under $50. A target goal would be $25. Operating budget would ideally run at about $5 a month for supplies and materials.

The Asian Arena International Taiwan Radio Open Sky-faced Balcony Observatory Laboratory 58 will be heavy into Research and Development, and the collection & analysis of observational data.