Friday, October 18, 2013

4DSC 4D Stamp Computer

The 4DSC supermachine is created from the original 3DSC by adding two 49 Spatial Motivators to each of two computer boards. This allows all three processors to move relative to each other, creating the first morphing moving core computer supermachine. Numerous applications appear in the Handbook and as posted below.

4DSC - Four Dimensional Morphing Stamp Supermachine
With the invention of the ASP, Automatic Space Positioner, the 3DSC was upgraded to the 4DSC by adding on additional dimensions, such as sound, light, and space simulations. From a hardware perspective, the 4DSC adds servos to BASIC Stamp board computers for motion. This results in the first morphing moving core processor with full featured Spatial Motivators.

A Handbook Guide to Applications for the 3D Stamp Computer
Over five years in the making, the 3DSC is a new multidimensional computer, capable of representing, simulating, and “analoging” the elements and effects of the Universe’s Space Time Continuum. It uses the low cost simplicity of dynamically-configured Parallax Basic Stamp One processors (as moving microcontrollers with Spatial Motivators) with fundamental light and sound. It is an effective quantitative and qualitative teaching tool in Multi-Dimensional Technology (MDT), Physics, Engineering, Computing, Sound, Light and Space-Time Relativity.

Updated schematics
Note the added dimension servos and the Dimension Level Pictorial. The DLP simply provides the location of the servos and the dimension terminology. The coprocessor is included as it has become an upgrade to the original 3DSC. For greater clarity, a full size schematic is posted but not shown on this page. Resolution is improved over the previous posted schematic. Note: new designations are for the upgraded 4D Morphing Computer.

The 3D Stamp Computer invention was conceived on January 4th, 2004, fully designed February 10th, 2008, developed, programmed, tested and released April 11th, 2009, and upgraded to 4D with Spatial Motivators on April 21st, 2009. On April 22, the Spatial Motivators were rebuilt and upgraded to 49 in/oz servos, and dimensional stability was added. Throughout May of 2009, the 3DSC was continually improved and apps were developed.

The following is a list of experiments and simulations explored in this handbook:

A List of 12 Apps for the 4DSC – Experiments, Simulations & Mods

• Using Time and the Space of Pulse Width Modulation to Simulate Microwave Cooling of the Universe’s Big Bang
• Representing the Life Cycle of a Distant Star From Supernova to Brown Dwarf
• Representing Stellar Procession with Six Dimensions Using Tertiary Multidimensional LEDs and two Spatial Motivators
• Representing Atmospheric Scintillation of Stellar Objects Across Space and Time Using Multidimensional LEDs
• Developing a Spatial Motivator Sound Muffler for Active Servos to Increase Accuracy in the detection of Analogous Sound Waveforms
• Simulating Time Travel and Lorenz Contraction with the Annihilation of Sound in Isometric Constructive and Destructive Derivatives
• Simulating Space-Time Gravity Waves with Multidimensional Sound Point Source Transmitters in Altered States
• Space-Time and the Mechanics of Beat Frequency
• Virtual Imaging in Space-Time Teleportation with a Multidimensional POV Persistence of Vision Generator and Spatial Motivator Group
• Constructing and Using Spatial Motivators for Relative Motion in Three Dimensions on the 3DSC
• Simple Air Substrate Doppler Mechanical Generation
• Using Two Spatial Motivators on the 3DSC and a PC Sound Card Oscilloscope
• The 3DSC Primordial Solar System Simulation of Brownian Motion Aggregate in a Three Dimensional Microcosm

Using Time and the Space of Pulse Width Modulation to
Simulate Microwave Cooling of the Universe’s Big Bang

There are several Universe theories ranging from membranes and strings to the infinite dimension. One theory states, before the Universe was born, there was nothing. This nothing “froth” foamed and ebbed until an enormous explosion took place instantaneously. Radiation was everywhere and the echo of the Big Bang resounded until the end of eternity. Modern day astrophysicists have detected the effects of the Big Bang in the form of cosmic microwave radiation. The way it appeared, cracked and has ebbed and flowed until reaching a more stable condition is simulated with the 3D Stamp Computer using the dimensional elements of light and time. PWM sets up the Big Bang using one LED as a singularity. Time is proportionally scaled. What took billions of years of evolution is now seen in mere seconds. After a compression scale, durated 14 billion years, our experiment concludes. Here’s how it works. Dimension one (Dim1) sets up the Big Bang by activating the light from LED1 and by sending a serial network signal to Dimension 2 (Dim2). Dimension 2 now explodes, activating LED2 at full capacity, then grows the Big Bang by serial signaling Dimension 3 (Dim3) to explode. LED3 explodes to maximum intensity. Over the next few seconds, (eons of time) there are random tidal progressions and ripples of space time, represented by the variations of light flow of all three LEDs. Finally, after 14 billion years (scaled in seconds), our simulated microwave radiation cools to Entropy, as all three dimensional LEDs achieve constant, yet lessened, intensity. The smoothness is shown for another ten seconds until the Universe is extinguished. Then, another Universe is born again (out of a PBASIC DO LOOP), and the process continues in an eternal loop of endless space and time. 

Representing the Life Cycle of a Distant Star From Supernova to Brown Dwarf

Over countless eons of space and time, the birth and life cycles of stars in distant space come and go with great affect on the Universe and the Earth. This experiment uses the light from one LED and Pulse Width Modulation code to create a simulation of the life cycle of single star within our galaxy from birth, to Supernova, to Brown Dwarf. The scale of billions of years is scaled into seconds and the light so bright that it can be seen from one end of the galaxy to the other is scaled down to the LED range.

Representing Stellar Procession with Six Dimensions
Using Tertiary Multidimensional LEDs and two Spatial Motivators

The Universe is in constant motion. Galaxies, stars, planets, nebula, clusters, quasars, black holes - all are in motion. In particular, stellar procession can be observed in stellar systems over a great time span using astrometry technique. This experiment compresses space and time to illustrate stellar procession. It loads the simulated and compressed six dimensional coordinates (gravity, space, time, x, y, z) of a stellar tertiary system and then exhibits the induction of gravitonic simultaneous stellar precession upon all three bodies. Dim1 lights Star1 and then signals Dim2 to light Star2 and begin Dim2’s processional advance. At nearly the same time, Dim2 signals Dim3 to light Star3 and begin Star3 processional advance. Star2 and Star3 will maintain their relative processions with Star1 until some limit is reached.

Representing Atmospheric Scintillation of Stellar Objects
Across Space and Time Using Multidimensional LEDs

Bound to Earth-based observation, the World’s largest optical telescopes peer through a varying 60 to 120 miles of Earth atmosphere of primarily nitrogen and oxygen, causing waves and ripples of unstable atmospheric seeing. This seeing can vary at infinitesimal levels with scintillation causation effects on angular point sources. The angular subtended diameter of a star at stellar distances is considered a point object source, and results in stellar scintillation. The 3D Stamp Computer is set up to simulate stellar scintillation and the ripples of Earth-bound atmospheric seeing.

Developing a Spatial Motivator Sound Muffler for Active Servos to Increase Accuracy in the detection of Analogous Sound Waveforms

Extraneous sounds from in-op Dimensional Spatial Motivators are a nuisance. They add random and systematic signatures to waveform analysis, detracting from the purity of the sound waveform and resulting in the reduction of clarifying sound wave data in experiments. This experiment uses sections of foam, lenticular shielding and hyperbolic/ parabolic sound reflectors to cover, deflect and focus the sound generated by each dimensional servo in both DSMs. This helps subdue sounds of moving gears and clarifies the purity of SINE and SQUARE waveforms.

Simulating Time Travel and Lorenz Contraction with the Annihilation of Sound in Isometric Constructive and Destructive Derivatives

This experiment utilizes the interference pattern of sound waves to show how sound can be made to move beyond the current sound dimension. i.e. sound will travel, merge, and disappear, using the analogy of Einstein’s time travel equation- the factor is one over the square root of one minus v squared over c squared where v is the velocity of the time travel and c is the speed of light.

Simulating Space-Time Gravity Waves with Multidimensional
Sound Point Source Transmitters in Altered States

This experiment shows the compression and modification of sound waveforms resulting from three point sources in multidimensional space-time. By varying the point sound sources amplitude (time) and distance (space), an altered states resultant waveform is achieved.

Space-Time and the Mechanics of Beat Frequency

This experiment is written up in the first issue of StampOne News. More information may follow regarding setup and tuning.

Virtual Imaging in Space-Time Teleportation with a Multidimensional
POV Persistence of Vision Generator and Spatial Motivator Group

A POV system is utilized to create the effects of multidimensional transport. While current technology limits true teleportation to a single elemental particle, the 3D Stamp computer is fully capable of simulating the transport of additional elements across space and time. Various mathematical formula, such as the I factor, have shown the theoretical existence of Pi Mesons or Particulate Matter which is capable of faster than light travel and could lead to intra and extra-galactic communications across the galaxy and beyond. This experiment investigates signature travel across space and time using Spatial Motivators, virtual imaging, timing and POV Persistence of Vision generator techniques.

APP 10Constructing and Using Spatial Motivators for Relative Motion in Three Dimensions on the 4DSC

This experiment adds relative motion. It takes two servos to move two dimensions relative to each other and a third dimension. If dimensions are labeled from bottom to top respectively, the convention becomes Dim1, Dim2, and Dim3 (or D1, D2, D3). Spatial Motivation has elements of velocity, ramping, acceleration, deceleration, motion freezing, slow mo, harmonic vibration, oscillation, and space-time positioning. A variety of new experiments are possible using the 3DSC SMs. Code homes SM servos in Dim2 and Dim3. Note that board positioning calibration is mechanically important to avoid the static stem mounts during spatial motivation.

APP 11
Simple Air Substrate Doppler Mechanical Generation
Using Two Spatial Motivators on the 3DSC
and a PC Sound Card Oscilloscope

This experiment sets up the 4D Stamp Computer Spatial Motivators on Dimension two and Dimension three for Micro Doppler Shift Waveform Demonstrations. D2D3 (s) is minimized at initialization. Upon completion, at the end of the ramping cycle (s) is maximized. The calculus is some constant (K) times the integral of (ds/dt), integrated across (home) to the (outer limit), where (s) is distance, (t) is time, (home) is the init pos, (K) is the displacement constant and (outer limit) is the max range. Servo engagement takes place in opposite nodal directions at accelerated ramping. Output generation is recorded/observed with a pc sound card Oscilloscope tuned/calibrated to the piezo frequency. Run programs:


Conclusion: given one 4D Stamp computer, two Spatial Motivators and elements of space-time, a mechanical Doppler (sound) can be generated, and recorded in space-time using a pc sound card oscilloscope.

APP 12
The 4DSC Primordial Solar System Simulation of
Brownian Motion Aggregate in a Three Dimensional Microcosm

It is said that the early Universe and Solar System was comprised of primordial matter in Adiabatic Motion. This led to coalescence and aggregation of particles through various physical forces. One such proposed motion is that of the Brownian System. This experiment sets up the 4D Stamp Computer in a randomized flux that evolves per unit time. Brownian motion analog is among the simplest of the continuous-time stochastic processes (programmable in PBASIC using some randomized function), and it is a limit of both simpler and more complicated stochastic processes (such as random walk and Donsker’s theorem which can be applied to robotics).

APP 13
A Guide to Simulating the Extinction of a Mass Source by a Gravity Well (Black Hole)

If you want to simulate the extinction of a mass source (part of your 4DSC) by a gravity well (Black Hole), you would need to create several things. First, produce an circle of indistinction made up of gravity wells by using all three spatial dimensions and slowly move the Spatial Motivators so that the dimensions and gravity wells approach and then reside as close as possible to a point source. Call this XYZ1min, XYZ2min, and XYZ3min. (The maximum acceptable diameter of such a circle of confusion is known as the maximum permissible circle of confusion, the circle of confusion diameter limit, or the circle of confusion criterion, but is often incorrectly called simply the circle of confusion.) We will now call this aggregate of space time a singularity. Use an LED or Piezo sound as the mass source. Changes in gravity are represented by changes in light and sound. Calculate the acceleration of the mass source being accelerated by the singularity gravity to near light speed. You may use Einstein’s equations (for example, for time travel, a factor of one over the square root of one minus v squared over c squared where v is the velocity of the object under time travel and c is the speed of light.) You’ll obviously want to open up a worm hole using the singularity and guide the mass source through the worm hole. Here you will need Hawking's equations. Then, you will need to invent the equations of guidance and travel (to avoid being ripped apart gravity or radiation particulate matter collision destruction and maintain course), in addition to considering a method to survive the rigors of travel that happen near infinite mass acceleration. You’ll need to guesstimate on this. No one knows exactly. Since space is more of a warped distorted dimensional relationship than a circle, it will not be easy to predict where and in what time period the mass will reappear from the other end of the worm hole. It will certainly disappear to extinction, no longer existing in our time parallel. There are many theories about this. You’ll have to choose one and develop the simulation around it.

4DSC Applications Note 012810
Ferreting Out Nodal Points Using IR Source Emitters

This experiment is set up with three IR transmitters, which will be designed to act as point emitter sources, one mounted on each Spatial Motivation Unit. The idea is to move each IR unit relative to the remaining, and determine if nodal points can be discerned. This is a
good physics or astrophysics experiment analogous to sound and starlight using waveforms. This requires an IR receiver to complete the experiment. To ensure accuracy and minimize error, the frequency of the IR transmitters must match.

4DSC Applications Note 013110
The Propagation of Heat Mixers

This application uses three heat point source and moves the transmitters through various pathways by program. A detector (Parallax MLX90614 Infrared Thermometer Module (90° FOV) item code 28040, with a BASIC Stamp HomeWork Board is setup and programmed as the receiver sensor used to map out the temperature regions. This experiment will answer Physics questions about heat blending, mixing, geometry propagation, and the results of combined motions.

4DSC Application Note 021810
Exploration of Thermodynamics with the 3DSC 

We know that light will bend into its constituent parts using a diffraction grating or prism, or other materials such as atmosphere and water. Other physical properties include sound, motion, heat and gravity. Einstein has already shown that gravity is bendable and is the stuff that shapes the Universe. But can you bend sound, motion and heat? Indeed, sound is bent by wave reflection off of a physical entity or material reflector. Motion is bent by mechanical physical deflection. What about heat? Can you bend heat? How can the 3DSC illustrate the propagation, bending or reflectivity, of heat? Is it a reflection like light, or a propagation of thermal conductivity. Will other factors come into play, such as radiation and convection for various heat distributions? Project Materials: angle iron, nuts & bolts, resistor heat source, Parallax infrared thermal sensor thermometer, external power source supplement, heat barriers, heat reflector. Set up two configurations, one for reflectivity, and one with a barrier. The source (resistor) or the detector (heat sensor) is mounted on the angle iron under the moveable core to achieve various spatial configurations. The second moveable core contains the reflector or barrier. The results are recorded and plotted based on dimensional position values and heat temperature readings.

Resistors in the electronic industry are used to reduce the current voltage by applying a resistance against the current. The decrease in the electrical energy is accompanied by the increase in the heat energy in the resistor. For this reason, resistors act as heat generators and they conduct the heat to heat up the electronic packages they are mounted on. For more information: Computational Mechanics LABORATORY (CML)

3DSC Application Note 021910
Defining Two Spatial Motivators Arcing Motions

Motions programmed for the 3DSC undergo the scribing of a circular arc in space and time. With each moveable core, the radius of the arc can be modified by varying the position of the LED, speaker, or other source element as a distance from the “pivotal point.” The Pivotal Point is where the servo connects to the core board. The distance or circumference of the arc depends on the calibrated characteristics of each servo. The angle that each servo can achieve may slightly vary.

According to Geometry, the arc length for a sector of a circle is given
by the arc length formula:

S = r θ

S represents the arc length
r represents the radius of the circle
θ represents the angle in radians made by the arc at the centre of the circle.

4D Morphing Computer (3DSC) Application Note 022410

Exploring Air Pressure with a Propeller Coprocessor

Setting up air pressure as the 4th dimension, determine if variances in air pressure show with movable cores and at what speed does the detection become visible? What effects do acceleration (or deceleration) have on the pressure gradient? How does this equate to wind or a breeze? Can you think of some spinoff technology for useful applications? Can you make an anemometer? (An anemometer is a device for measuring the wind speed, and is one instrument used in a weather station.) Creating an anemometer is the first step in converting the 3DSC into a weather station. The setup uses a Parallax KPA Pressure sensor interfaced to a Propeller Coprocessor board. The initial sensor wiring is shown in the photo. The Propeller Demo Board should mount on and under the one of the upper two BS1 cores. Fasten the 3DSC base securely to compensate the added weight.

We can describe pressure gradient acceleration mathematically with the following equation:



D = density of air (average density of surface air is 1.29 kilograms per cubic meter)
P2 = pressure at point 2 in Newtons/m2 (N m^-2)
P1 = pressure at point 1 in Newtons/m2 (N m^-2)
n = distance between the two points in meters

From this equation we can determine wind acceleration between two points in meters per second squared by knowing three variables: the density of the moving air; the change in pressure between the points of interest in newtons; and the distance between the two points in meters. For example, to determine the wind speed between two points for moving air with a density of 1.29 kilograms per cubic meter, a pressure difference of 400 Newtons/m2, and a distance of 300,000 meters, the following calculations would be performed:


From the calculated value of acceleration we can determine wind speed, V, from the formula:

V = V0 + Ft

Where V0 is the initial velocity of the wind and t is the time during which F is applied.

Photo shows the first Propeller coprocessor addition to the 4D Morphing Computer. A Propeller Demo Board is interfaced to a Parallax KPA Pressure Sensor. See text for mounting details.

(New) 4DSC Applications Note 10.19.13
Core motion for use as a heat sink in convective thermal temperature reduction

Specific motion of cores are investigated with temperature monitored heat sources to determine which Newtonian motions are most effective as a coolant.

Students/Educators/Hobbyists are encouraged to build their own Three Dimensional Stamp Computer and recreate these experiments, building up their own PBASIC code.

Some additional projects for going beyond what is presented here would include simulating four theories of a multidimensional Universe. More information will be posted as it becomes available.

By Humanoido/SBI
Singularity Institute of Basic Stamp Technology Research & Invention
• Stamp Physics/Astrophysics/Robotics
• Stamp Project Design/Prototyping/Testing
• Stamp Microcontroller Programming
• Stamp Aeronautical Engineering

Discovery Thread