Sunday, October 20, 2013

Big Brain Propeller Chip Hardware Enumeration

The currents system of the Big Brain employs a fast software approach to enumerating by chronological numerical algorithm from Propeller chip one to Propeller chip "n" which can be up to 150 chips or more installed inside the Big Brain machine's partitions.

This system describes a hardware approach to 150 or more chips using the input pins, with capability to handle thousands of chips.

Each Propeller chip is allotted up to 28 pins for use in this experiment. Chips 1 through 28 simply each dedicate one pin to a unique enumeration input based on the series 1, 2, 3, ... up to 28. Each pin is routed to ground, through a protective resistor.

Next, Propeller chips 29, 30, 31, ... up to 56, each have two pins allotted for a unique enumeration. For example, prop 29 has pins 0+1 grounded, prop 30 has 1+2, prop 30 has 2+3... and the series continues.

Propeller chips 57, 58, 59... up to 78, each have unique combinations of pins allotted. Additional unique 2-pin combinations exist. Props 79-150 use more unique combinations. The simple approach requires one extra resistor per each chip pin used for enumeration.

In actual cases, some pins are reserved. The following example shows the system. The code will simply read the binary pin word.

Propeller  Pin #
01             1
02             2 
03             3 
04             4 
05             5 
06             6
07             7
08             8
09             9
10             10
11             11
12             12
13             13
14             14
15             15
16             16
17             17
18             18
19             19
20             20
21             21
22             22
23             23
24             24
25             25
26             26
27             27
28             28
29             1,1
30             1,2
31             1,3
32             1,4
33             1,5
34             1,6
35             1,7
36             1,8
37             1,9
38             1,10
39             1,11
40             1,12
41             1,13
42             1,14
43             1,15
44             1,16
45             1,17
46             1,18
47             1,19
48             1,20
49             1,21
50             1,22
51             1,23
52             1,24
53             1,25 
54             1,26
55             1,27
56             1,28
57             2,2
58             2,3
59             2,4
60             2,5
61             2,6
62             2,7
63             2,8
64             2,9
65             2,10
66             2,11
67             2,12
68             2,13
69             2,14
70             2,15
71             2,16
72             2,17
73             2,18
74             2,19
75             2,20
76             2,21
77             2,22
78             2,23
79             2,24
80             2,25
81             2,26
82             2,27
83             2,28
84             3,1
85             3,2
86             3,4