Monday, November 4, 2013

Brain Cortex Uploading Human Mind to Machine Part 20

Humanoido Labs - we've come a long way since the first 340 gram brain in a jar debuted in July of 2011. Seen at left inside the smaller jar, the 128K RAM/ROM award-winning machine brain has two piggybacked Parallax Propeller chips mounted together for full use of sixteen computing cores that run in parallel with 64 I/O pins. During this time period, the objective was creating a brain, giving it some intelligence, making it fit into a jar enclosure, imparting life, and running brain experiments with it. Although a massive 4-pound Skippy peanut butter jar was obtained at Costco, the current series of Cortex brains use store-purchased empty jars of much larger size.

If you could upload a portion of your mind to a machine and live longer, what would you choose to upload, or save from your self and your characteristics to travel into the future?

At Humanoido Labs, work progresses on a cortex brain that will have upload capabilities from a human mind, so the validity of the question becomes plausible. Would you upload your knowledge, i.e. what you know about facts or would you collect and transmit your life's experiences? Perhaps one will care more about uploading personality and values? Or will life experiences become the most treasured part of a human?

— Humanoido Labs is beginning the human mind to machine brain transfer project

The brain cortex is considering at least three types of classifications for upload from a human brain. There are three areas for a simplified upload. This includes factual knowledge, personality and experience. While factual knowledge may initially appear less unique to a person's characteristics, it is not. It can certainly be a defining signature based on the type of knowledge one knows and the level and quantity of a particular interest. Personality can include likes and dislikes, viewpoints, philosophy and values. More knowledge and factual material can indicate personality interests about astronomy for example. Experiences can include previous choices made, stories, and things that are selected as one over another due to learned past events.

It's not necessary to upload all three classifications to demo the results. One over the other can be selected, with decisions based on the machine vessel capacity and the machines ability, capacity and characteristic attributes. As factual knowledge can portray other characteristics such as personality, likes, interests, gravitation, etc., this would be a good place to start. The amount or selected topical quantity of factual knowledge can also portray a person's experience about a particular subject, either through course taking, study or experiences. Therefore all three potentials, Factual Knowledge, Personality, and Experience can be wrapped up and embedded in just one transfer classification — Factual Knowledge.

Factual Knowledge

Complete Brain Transfer
Complete Functionality
Ability to Grow after a Transfer

Advanced upload options are currently beyond the scope of this first cortex experiment, however such features may become reality in time.

In brain cortex numeral uno, there's a limited path of uploading, i.e. the entire brain cannot upload due to space and special containment limitations and the cortex does not have enough neural pathways to save the entire human brain. It becomes of matter of what to upload and save, and the quantity of contents that will fit into the machine cortex.

In this example consider 32K RAM and 32K nonvolatile storage. With a constant on power source, the 64K becomes nonvolatile. Then potentials utilize a factor of Xn approach and this becomes 100Xn for one hundred times more capacity for experimenting and transfers. This will increase from over a 100,000 neural net to closer to one million in the future. As the neural net expands, so does the capacity to transfer more and more of the human mind.

Index to the Brain Cortex