Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Engineering with Transplastic

Showing the author's 16 pcs stockpile of Transparent Plastic in clipboard form. TP is perfect for hobbyists needing a low cost construction material to build robots, platforms, structures and supports for assorted brains. The remarkable thing about engineering transplastic is that shaping it and cutting it only requires a standard soldering iron. The shape is scribed into the board with the soldering iron and allowed to cool, then snapped to reveal the final result.
No drilling, no cutting - common resource material for easy construction
... The best part about finding Transplastic is it's commonly available across the world.

Engineer your own Transplastic. Clipboards are everywhere! The green transparent clipboard is an easy design material for the person who travels light with a soldering iron. It can be worked with a metal ruler straight edge - just scribe a hot line with the soldering iron into the plastic and break off at the scribed line when cooled. This is an easy way to readily construct robotic parts and platforms etc. by using commonly available resources, especially since clipboards are very low cost and found in varying sizes. For example, the BSS Basic Stamp Supercomputer used clipboard construction. For hobbyists on a shoestring budget, it's an ideal low cost material.

Here's some advantages of working with TransPlastic
  • low cost
  • commonly available
  • cuts and drills with a common soldering iron
  • form bends with heat
  • easy reinforced with layering and air-crafting
  • light weight
  • structurally strong enough to support most peripherals
  • ideal for mounting tabs, platforms, extensions, housings
  • has insulation abilities
  • can act as partitions, shields and full enclosures
  • see-though enables viewing LEDs, power & data monitoring
  • works with CaS cells
For a reference of working with clipboards in a hobby application, refer to the BSS BASIC Stamp Supercomputer construction. This project uses clip boards as construction platforms for the tower, crown, and platform base.

The SEED Basic Stamp Supercomputer uses clipboards for the crown and supporting base.

Reference 13-244