Friday, March 7, 2014

Lab Science Update

You'll probably notice a marked reduction in posts last month and this month. It's not that we're doing nothing, but rather that we're incredibly busy launching our new SpaceOne company and space program.

There are currently over 60 new programs in effect with the development of five new rockets, designed to take people into space to experience the ultimate ride of their lifetime in unique and interesting ways.

We've also opened up, at a very rapid pace, the development of robotics. For long range goals, we began designing a space plane.

The rate of inventions has skyrocketed, the latest of which is a unique method to time travel and dilate time. No doubt, there will be many more technical spinoffs to this space program.

Once the program is fully established, people will be able to hitch tourist rides into space, without any arduous strenuous or complicated training or age requirements.

Humanoido has merged ten companies to immediately bring SpaceOne company into world class stature.

While much of SpaceOne's activities are still under wraps, we will blog new developments and inventions when possible.