Sunday, November 10, 2019

Big Brain Human Machine Merge Improves Functioning

Extreme invasive connections of man to machine
allow a symbiosis of functions with side effect
spinoff technology such as life longevity, faster
processing and analysis, and enormous
improvements to health. Step by step, Humanoido
is making connections with his body to the Big
Brain AI, in an effort to become one with the
Oceanic Pacific Medical Center & Laboratory
Humanoido to Big Brain Merge Improves Human Functions in Mysterious Ways

An unexpected side effect and a result never expected of the recent Humanoido's merging with the Big Brain (3SB version) AI machine is that of improved human functioning.

The interface merges blood and guts of man with the circuits of the machine by a symbiotic relationship and compatibility of solutions in the human body to micronics in the machine body. This outpours interfacing data at an unprecedented rate, allowing live high speed calibration nodes per unit time, prior to which no human mind could attain. This is the first successful man to machine interface. In a second surprise spin, the interface memorizes nonstop changes in the metamorph for data reduction and analysis. This improves the inter-connective relationship between man and machine by light years! Neither human nor machine, the new symbiant appears to excel at the new connection and shared resources. According to Humanoido, the short term results of the human to machine symbiosis has significantly improved the human side of health, performance, function and form. This is the first phase experiment to connect man and machine together in working towards the Singularity when man and machine become one.