Thursday, November 14, 2019

Big Brain Human to Cyborg Convert Speed

Humanoido's Neural Net Venture - representing the cutting edge of human cyborg machine technology. Resembling a supernova, the human to machine cyborg conversion speed is dramatically increased. In this exampling illustration, the red color at the top represents the initial longer speed while the blue at the bottom represents the shorter velocity. The galactic star-appearing objects are points of connectivity inside the machine and a human cyborg's bio matter.
Human to Cyborg Conversion Speed
In order to speed up the conversion of man into machine, during the merging of Humanoido with the Big Brain through human biology, the rapidity of interfacing installations are sped up.

The Medical Lab has made provisions to install new interfaces every half month. This will medically allow time for the interface surgery to heal before the next interface is connected through human bio guts and flesh.

Humanoido is on the second interface and has contract provisions to complete four surgeries for a total of four interfaces. Humanoido is eager to go to infinity on the number of interfaces, each time an interface is installed, the human body becomes more Cyborg, a combination of both machine and human. The rate will install 24 interfaces in one year. The number of surgeries that a human body can take in the conversion from human to machine is unknown at this time. Reports here will specify the percent rate of conversion of human to machine. The idea is to convert parts of a human to remain on par with the machine, yet still retain the human side, hence a symbiosis balance of man and machine is the goal.

Color Wavelength (nm)
Red         625 - 740
Orange 590 - 625
Yellow 565 - 590
Green 520 - 565
Cyan 500 - 520
Blue 435 - 500
Violet 380 - 435