Saturday, February 29, 2020

Big Brain Shocking News! Machine Appendage Appears

Exampling illustration of migrant micronic machine appendage of unknown purpose...
Spontaneous outcropping systemic growth of micronic spicules in the machine environment
appear to aggregate towards a common neo focal point with purposes unknown at this time

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Big Brain Shocking News! Machine Appendage Suddenly Appears
What comes as shocking news to some, in the Transhuman experiment (conversion of a human into machine), a machine appendage has grown out of the human body side

Humanoido was undergoing a series of machine implants during volunteer surgery to become more like the Big Brain AI machine. At the ninth iteration of surgery, a small machine appendage was noticed suddenly growing out the side of the body, like Star Trek BORG assimilation nanoprobes reasserting their presence to the outside world. Thus far, there is no harm or pain in its present form and scientists are studying it before making any action assessments. The appearance seems to show an additional processor of some undetermined type. We hope the next blog will have photos of the strange micronic processing machine appendage.