Monday, April 6, 2020

Colossus - New Big Brain AI

Walk down this corridor of blazing red-lit engulfment to experience the excitement of giant
Colossus - the New AI Big Brain! A twenty year project thus far of expansions and growth,
Humanoido expects to create "human brain to machine brain" transfer in the next decade.

Humanoido's Big Brain Machine has reached a size that fits into much of a skyscraper, driving

the inventor completely out of his array of other laboratories. As illustrated here, the thinking
machine is saturated with tens of thousands of red LED light emitting data diodes, a byproduct
of the beginning Big Brain Foundation, when it was designed around lights to indicate various
Colossus - the New Big Brain AI
The Big Brain has reached a colossal size that now represents the greater portion of a skyscraper. This Colossus Big Brain version is being gated in a new skyscraper at the SPACE1 Pacific Ocean Science & Technology  Supercomputing Laboratory and Rocket Center.

— Nicknamed Colossus, the new upgraded brain is thousands of times larger than the original —

It now takes physical skyscraper floors and virtual computing clouds across the world to contain the upgraded Big Brain, now nicknamed Colossus! Humanoido, the Father and inventor of the Big Brain, has kept this AI supercomputing machine at the forefront of its own technical marvel world of growth and scientific discoveries over the past 20 years.