Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Transhuman 20th Implant

Sophisticated Human Machine AI
Level 20 Sets a New Record!

Wednesday August 26, 2020
In an unprecedented hallmark feat of AI engineering, a human has now received the consecutive 20th advanced AI machine interface implant.

Making man part machine with extended AI at the level of sophistication of advanced thinking and evolving machines with AI is the project's objective to keep control of machine AI. The medical lab and investors have chosen to surgically implant another 5 machine interfaces into our human subject in the future taking the total machine interfacing AI implants to a total of 25. The levels of capital investment and the highest technology are paramount in keeping up with machine AI and keeping a tight safeguarded control on humanity.

Alert! The Medical Lab reports some peripheral lexus bleeding during the implantation of the twentieth machine interface into the sculpitory planus section which was finally under control after the two hour mark. Humanoido is alive and well as reported, however he has taken the brunt of brutal stress of rapid surgery at the rate of two per month. The medical center is researching alternate surgical methods and sites that may be less of an ordeal.

Recovery will go quick according to medical personnel and they stated some bleeding is to be expected from time to time surrounding the large studded subdermal stantion needle. Then blood seepage occurs through the mechanical infusion plate. The state of the art of symbiotic beings is still in the development phase and we are learning how machine components interact with human parts. Med techs state they are in uncharted territory as no human in the word has ever gone the full twenty machine AI implants and survived to talk about it.

Humanoido was interviewed and he reports some stiffness in the upper body, arm, shoulder, neck and arterial thrombus, nothing to be concerned about. Repeated anti rejection injections have caused some extremapathic stress and slight neuropathic pain. "It's only a small and insignificant pioneering side effect," claimed Humanoido, who is now capable of competing with AI machines and their calculating power.