Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Machine Barrier Broken - Transhuman 21

Space-time master Albert Einstein fathomed the intricate cosmological dimensional
depths of the Universe. However, in the 1950s, a full Transdimensional human was
yet to be born. Modern day has seen many advancements of technology and
Artificial Intelligence with the merging of man and machine is rapidly developing
faster than anyone had ever imagined. As futurist Ray Kurzweil pointed out, as
we approach the Singularity, the development of technology rises up exponentially.

Machine Barrier 20 is Exceeded - Transhuman 21 is Born!

Wednesday, September 9, 2020
Today, a new Transhuman is born - machine interface number 21 was installed, breaking the previous machine 20 barrier, as full functions began within the hour. According to the medical team, the installation of machine interfacing is improved. A transhuman, or trans-dimensional human, is one that has broken the human and machine barriers, combining the best of both worlds.