Monday, October 19, 2020

New AI Transhuman Machines

Installing New AI Transhuman Machines

by Humanoido

I've made the expensive decision to implant additional new AI machinery into my body for the purpose of helping to extend the heart, the cardiovascular system, and a number of related parametric conditions. It might extend my old age life by a few days or a few years. Nobody knows.

Since the round of investment is complete for standard machinery install during this quarter, I will perhaps fund the new machinery and process myself or find new investors.

The AI machines will help me day and night to assess and talk to me about my various conditions and potentially serve up the intelligent recommendations and alert me to various bio anomalies.

Wiring to Bio
With new additional machines - I imagine these will be hardwired jutting out and into the arms instead of the abdomen or other locations - I will become more dimensionally Transhuman with the hope and prayer that creating a greater and most effective machine side may, or will, improve longevity so that I may live longer. The new AI has new AI sections that are more time dependent.

New Non-Invasive
However, we are also exploring and using cutting edge technology for non-invasive procedures that can interface AI machines directly to bio surfaces without surgical cutting, slicing or dicing. These AI machine systems install with no pain and provide incredible gain.

Machine to Bio Percentage
The percentage of conversion to machine will significantly increase and the AI side of me will inject information into my bio brain from several AI brains embedded in a parallel distributary for analysis. This information is spectacular and far more in contextual depth than my bio side could ever process alone. Plus the new memory is at a level of total recall, in full depth color, with multi levels of AI.