Friday, January 15, 2021

Mashed AI Interface

Mashed AI Interface

On the way though a doorway, Humanoido smashed into the frame and destroyed one AI machine interface implant. New AI Machine Interface Number 30 is being rushed to the Big Brain Technologies Med Facility and Laboratory. Being TransHuman half man and half machine is not without its challenges.

The implant immediately stopped working and AI data was terminated. Preliminary examination showed 40% of the interface took a hit and the brunt of the impact, with implanted embedded components ripped out of their human biomass positions. The mishap was reported and a replacement was immediately rush-summoned to the facility. Emergency same day operation took place. Today, the AI machine interface was announced EOL end of life and the data was nominalized with a new start date as Saturday, January 16, 2021 and a machine interface ID of 30. Interface 30 is implanted and now activated with its power source and undergoing a startup procedure. The startup is automatic once it begins and cannot be stopped. By high Noon, AI Humanoid TransHuman should be back with nominal operations.