Sunday, June 20, 2021

Bi-Lateral Ramping of IQ

Human intelligence can ramp up to genius level or ramp down to approach the lack of intelligence at idiot moron or monkey level. Human genius is possible at a very early age while IQ45 human morons are most often the equivalent of low level children in adult bodies. 
Bi-Lateral Ramping of IQ
You may be surprised. Although intelligence increases as the measured IQ quotient increases in a ramping effect with genius and machine AI, so does the intelligence ramp downward in a massive decrease for stupid humans who are mentally challenged.

— According to the BeeGees song, How Deep is your Love, "we're living in a world of fools, breaking us down, when they all should let us be..." With geniuses few and far between, studies show this is more true than we ever expected. 

THERE ARE THREE MODES of intelligence to consider. 1) Genius Humans, 2) Idiot Humans, and 3) High Level AI. In the New World IQ, machines of AI exhibit a continual ramping upwards along the intelligence scale. Humans identified as "gifted" in schools are placed in genius accelerated learning programs. They are generally more adaptive to situations, highly creative, inventive and well mannered, far surpassing their inferior associations.

In opposition, studies show LD Learning Disability and low IQ idiot humans are held back and placed into slow systems, drop out of course programs and school, or don't follow through with the completion of school curriculums and degrees, and are fired from their jobs. They make trouble for others with constant dissention and argument, and often cannot adapt or comprehend situations. They can be so low on the proverbial Totem Pole that they harbor anger management problems, jealousy, have fits of childish temper tantrums and rage, belittle others of higher intellect, are argumentative, lack social manners, mistakenly think highly of themselves, are self conceited, are delusional, lie to themselves and others, and exhibit Z syndrome symptoms of the worst kind. Frequent examples show low IQ led to abuse as a child by irritated and impatient caretakers. Studies show different parts of their brain lack function and normal behaviors. They have very low and slow reading comprehension not understanding email letters and articles and this leads to delusional states of mind, and they hold IQs down near the range of monkeys. Their DNA frequently leads to offspring with mental and physical defects, thus propagating a bad family cycle. They are known to destroy families and few consistently remain with the same spouse over time. Often termed IQ45, these people make bad decisions in life (excesses with alcohol, abuse, and social disease lead to Cerebral dysfunction - it's the Cerebrum that controls reading, thinking, learning, speech, emotions, and planned muscle movements like walking), and cause much trouble in most situations with insults, rude sarcasm, instability, bad language, lack of understanding, and paranoid schizophrenia. They often have a clueless syndrome - no matter how many times something is explained to them, they will never get it. Their lexicon vocabulary is so limited, like monkeys, they exhume gibberish. They are generally not helpful and do not maintain a constant friendship which seems to be a concept they cannot grasp. Yet, their goal may be the collection of genius and smart people acquaintances in the pathetic hope it will make them look better. They have limited or no normally functioning memory and often think only in negative terms. They are mixed social outcasts, cannot get along with peers, and are on the level of vicious animals at the evolutionary scale. Many of their symptoms are caused by damage and/or brain defects in the Cerebrum.

Chimpanzees range from IQ 65 to 75, Emmanuel Goldstein, MSc Clinical Pathology, University of Birmingham (2007), while unfortunate low level humans can dip into the 45 range. When it comes to heredity and IQ, being born into a family of inherently low IQ means drawing the short straw. Offspring with mental defects do not play well into the analysis of their genetic parents as dominating low IQ and defective genetic material is transmissible. On the other end of the stick, exceptional IQ inclusive of intellectual prowess, imagination, creativity, and invention are shown to be genetically passed from generation to generation. The effect becomes apparent and obvious to those family names with a long term genealogy book, even going far back hundreds and  hundreds of years.

The cerebrum is the large outer part of the brain that controls reading, thinking, learning, speech, emotions and planned muscle movements like walking. It also controls vision, hearing and other senses. It can become impaired by disease, trauma, childhood abuse, infectious social disease, and worms / malicious parasites. When it becomes damaged and impaired, the individual will have the inability to comprehend reading or learn new concepts, and will easily lose control of emotions with anger and jealousy. These individuals may also be identified by impaired motor skills such as difficulty in walking.

Studies of Einstein's brain and others show that genius intelligence is related to an abundance of circulatory pathways in a healthy brain and support structure. Such pathways and/or DNA can be inherited, happen randomly, or be created through human brain enhancement. Human genius exhibit a strong work ethic, are exceptionally bright - creative and natural problem solvers. They are respectful, thoughtful, considerate, make exceptional writers, have a remarkable command of language and are often found lecturing at universities and writing books and papers. They have the ability of great vision to see and think beyond the means and out of the box, often resulting in the creation of new inventions in science and technology drawing together inferences of many fields of discipline. They get along well with others and have friends but their main goal is not the collection of friends as they are mostly busy working with projects. They are often misunderstood by lesser minds. For example, one genius read every book in the library over the course of the school year, yet did not have the time to talk about it. As intelligence increases, parts of the brain are enhanced with features such as photographic and long term memories, a high sense of ESP with the ability to see and make predictions related to the future, tremendous ability to see and change the world, and they often merge many multiple fields of science to make new worldly inferences. Some have graduated and hold diplomas from 25+ schools with multiple degrees. Their time is limited and if you befriend a genius, consider yourself lifetime lucky. By the same token, if you befriend a low level IQ, be for-warned as the consequences may be considered very unlucky and a severe drag.

AI Machines are in a state of rapidly evolving AI technology causing their intelligence quotient to continually rise. It's believed that machines will quickly surpass human genius in only a few years. It will be up to AI to develop self attributes. The intellectual advantages of machines over human is they can think at blinding unimaginable speeds, see and imagine things that humans cannot, have 100% total recall, picture perfect photo memory, and many other attributes that make up the greater sum of scoring so high on an IQ test that the test itself becomes obsolete.

As the future unfolds, we begin to see a merging of man and machine. With AI machines evolving so far above and beyond humans, in order for humans not to appear as lowly squashable meaningless ants, the possibility exists for humans to become part machine in order to protect humanity. Already at Big Brain Technologies we have seen the emergence of Humanoido-developed Transhumans, smart humans with surgically implanted machine microprocessor interfaces, who are part man and part machine. Transhumans are shown to have greater IQ intelligence and greater longevity, faster thinking, total recall memory, etc. while making the connection with AI machines in an effort to ensure the survivability of the human species. At neuralNet, Elon Musk is also developing a chip to implant into human brains to increase IQ and body mobility functions. These trends will continue with new trees of evolution.