Wednesday, October 20, 2021

The Rebels of Sentient Plant Life

Plant aggression characterized through evolution representation

The Rebels of Sentient Plant Life
Not all is smooth going in the realm of sentient plant life as they must deal with the same factors and conditions that humanity faces

Plants struggle on many of the same fronts that humans do including survival and evolution. Humans become sick and so do plants. In the recent plant sentient experiment, the primary subject plant suddenly started having a change in leaf color from healthy green to not so healthy yellow and pale white. It is wished plants could talk and explain their feelings. For the fish intelligence experiment, Humanoido invented a fish language translation box that allowed fish to speak, albeit some limited words and phrases converted into English using an electronic custom built speech synthesizer. It's hoped the same can be accomplished with plants, though they are operating and living on a completely different time scale, even slower than snails.

In the case of the paling leaf, any one or more of a number of factors may contribute to this anomaly.

* lighting too intense
* lighting too weak
* hours of light insufficient
* hours of light in excess
* not enough water cycles
* too many water cycles
* degraded soil ph level
* water contaminated
* too cold environment
* too hot environment
* environment too confining
* seasonal changes
* toxic air

Talking Fish Development History
01-06-2019  Talking Fish

11-11-2018 Space1 Fish Astronauts

11-10-2018 Space1 Fish Small Talk 4.0

11-09-2018 Space1 Fish Small Talk Upgrade 3.0

11-08-2018 Space1 Fish Small Talk 2.0

11-07-2018 Space1 Fish Astronaut Training Program

11-06-2018 Space1 Fish Cyborg Density Experiment

11-05-2018 Space1 Fish Small Talk 1.0

11-04-2018 Space1 Cyborg Fish Talk Language

11-02-2018 Space1 Fish Cyborg for Spaceflight