Thursday, November 18, 2021

Monster Plants on Alien Planets

Mon-ster Plants on Earth & Alien Planets

Monster plants on Earth are gruesome to look at, frightening and have evolved a genome that favors a taste for flesh. A variety of these carni-vorous plants live on the Earth and are so fast moving that they can catch their prey in an instant, then proceed to digest animal bodies in their adapted tummies.

The first two photos illustrate Earthen plants that have developed a taste for meat. If these plants look like gruesome monsters, one can only imagine the development of alien plants on other planets in the galaxy that have evolved according to a different genome set, unlike life on Earth.

The plants evolved when photosynthesis no longer became a prime factor in the life cycle of plants evolving on a planet with less sunlight. The plants would most likely develop another way to survive, by capturing and eating small animals, like mice and other rodent-like creatures.

Society has long shown films with monster plants like The Day of the Triffids, a science fiction movie. 

The Day of the Triffids is one example, a 1951 post-apocalyptic novel by the English science fiction author John Wyndham.

After most people in the world are blinded by an apparent meteor shower, an aggressive species of plant starts killing people. 

The protagonist is Bill Masen, a biologist who has made his living working with triffids—tall, venomous, carnivorous plants capable of locomotion.
Due to his background, Masen suspects they were bioengineered in the U.S.S.R. and accidentally released into the wild. 

Because of the excellent industrial quality of an oil produced by and obtained from the triffids, there is heavy triffid cultivation around the world. WIKI

Left: Fiction - One can make guesses and estimates of the behavior and appearance of alien plants on other worlds. The rules of evolution and randomness may be different on alien planets, due to varying environments with gravity, radiation, atmosphere, growing soil, changes in environment, animal life, light intensity, and life genome.

It's not too difficult to imagine a massive plant living within a gravity environment several times of Earth, with strong leaves and ensnaring teeth, much like the Earth's Venus Fly Trap plant that rapidly catches and devours insects for their meat.