Sunday, December 5, 2021

Bad Brain Narcissism Syndrome

Defective Brain Narcissism Syndrome
If you've remained on the massive informative Big Brain Technologies list for years, then it's all good, however if you were recently cut off and removed there is good reasoning behind that affirmative action.

Effective immediately, Big Brain Technologies has removed any and all pathological individuals infected with Narcissism and exhibiting the cyclic plethora of toxic symptomatic behaviors of Narcissism Syndrome. In a nutshell, we're sick and tired of your anger, lies, constant startup of arguments, the plethora of abuse, delusions, inaccuracies of personal history, and twisted inaccurate ruse memories.

It was the last straw on the camel's back. We've given enormous amounts of time and effort in creating a system of text AI moderators to filter out the filth and foulness but even this is apparently not enough when dealing with holier than thou mental deranged narcissists. Finally, after this last ditch effort, we've thrown in the towel.

— the high level of insulting toxicity on a cycling basis is not worth the effort of trying to maintain normal relationships —


* Memory Problems
* Arrogant
* Toxic
* Insulting
* Generating Drama
* Pathological liar
* Rewriting their Personal History
* Cannot Process Relationships
* A belief of being special and can only be understood by exceptional people
* Do not get along with others
* Bad Moral Compass
* Inferior Personality
* Negativity
* Hypocrite Actions
* Loves to Play the Victim
* Constant Screw-Up Behaviors
* Rage
* Anger Management Problems
* Constant Argue
* Feigned Reading Incomprehension
* Constantly Offended
* Twists truth to make up bad scenarios
* Cannot Tolerate Differing Opinions
* Thin Skinned Self Centered
* Empathic Inability
* Overreacts to smallest arguments and perceived slights
* Very Abusive
* Distractive: Engages Circular-Salad Nonsensical Response as Cover Up
* Childish Reactions
* Baiting & Provoking
* Highly Manipulative
* Disrespects your Decisions, Choices,  Beliefs, Advice
* Believes Self Grandeur
* Degrade Others
* Delusional
* Superiority Belief when Actual IQ is Low