Tuesday, December 7, 2021

GEM - Global Planetary In-Situ Habitation Environmental Module for Plant Farming

Global Planetary In-Situ Habitation Environmental Module for Plantetary & Moon Farming - GEM

by Humanoido

Within the habitation rings located on distant worlds like the Earth’s Moon and Mars, plant farming will become paramount for the human species to survive and become self sufficient.

re: Living and farming accommodations for food such as plants on far away distant worlds in the overall scheme of a space faring nation

The GEM module, invented by Humanoido at Big Brain Technologies and SPACE1 Industries is a farming environment designed to reside inside a pressurized habitation module. Plants take up residence inside GEM and grow to a maturity level that allows transference to vertical farms to maximize space allocation and harvest yields.

GEM is essentially zero weight and is made from recycled soda pop plastic bottles. It takes two bottles to create one DIY GEM. The unique design accommodates the best three overall environments for plant growth - a soil embankment, a greenhouse and a hydroponics bay.

The plant is seeded in the soil embankment section SE and watered. The water evaporates into the upper greenhouse where it rains. Water also filtrates into the hydroponics bay where in time, the plant will send down roots of immersion and extraction. At this point, the system is self contained and requires only a lighting schedule.