Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Transhuman Cyborg Stock

Transhuman Cyborg Stock

Investors have made possible the advanced stocking of machine AI components for the Transhuman Project.

This includes numerous AI machine interfaces ready for construction and implantation for advancing future months of operations.

The advanced AI Big Brain Machine Laboratory is one of the most advanced brain lab institutions in the world, working on unique and creative methods of bio matter brain transfer into longevity machine retention vessels for potential intellectual immortality. The lab is already fully stocked with numerous machine brain vessels, to be used as experimental neuro retention units. Some are in excess of 240,000 neural processing centers while others are experimental for transferring the human brain Cortex. When commercially available, the brain transfer system will enable future genius minds the equivalent of Einstein, Jobs, and Musk to preserve their neurophysiology for infinite ongoing future benefit of human species on multiple worlds.