Sunday, April 17, 2022

Cyborg Interface 63

Cyborg Interface 63
Human machine cyborg interface number sixty three was installed during the latest iteration of the Human Machine Cyborg project conducted by the Big Brain Enterprises. Launching the self propelled device from April 15, number sixty three was activated and began streaming AI data which could be fully interpreted by the human interface side. The project continues to be multiple fold and the objectives are the creation of a symbiant that can function in both machine and human worlds, the two of which are fast changing and approaching the Singularity. The uploading of human consciousness into a machine vessel is of high priority. There is now a waiting list of humans in line for the transference of their consciousness into an appropriate machine vessel. Numerous tests are being conducted, the result of which don't always go as planned. When only partial scripts make it into the machine vessel, an incomplete fracture takes place. Step are being taken to infuse a larger substrate receiving entity and avoid the fractures altogether.