Sunday, May 22, 2022

AI Creates AI

AI Creates AI
Here at the Big Brain AI Lab we have AI life machines being geared up for creating other AI life machines. This is borderline cloning. We can't say the exact level we've achieved because the project is private, but we can say where it's headed!

In a brief history, it all began with experiments in cloning with the Big Brain, when it reached the collective of 240,000 processors. Today, the AI is far advanced with much more capability. Motion control through a humanoid robot can enable the dexterous manufacture and repair of other AI beings. It can also enable the creation, repair and troubleshooting of humans augmented with AI machine interfacing. The AI humanoid robot being created by Elon Musk of TESLA is moving towards achieving the same goals.

Above Image: Is this pure AI humanoid or is this advanced AI augmented humans that are more machine than human? At what part of a transformative human process does the human become machine? Is AI reproduction of AI machines cloning or does it only approximate unique machine life forms and not qualify as cloning? If we reproduce every part of the human body with machine parts, are we still human or have we lost our humanity?