Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Invention of the Synthetic AI Metaverse

The Next Phase of the Big Brain AI

Humanoido Invents a Synthetic AI Circuit Metaverse at Big Brain Technologies
The Synthetic AI Circuit is a great breakthrough at Big Brain Technologies. Instead of using physical silicon processor substrates and chips which are costly, generate too much heat, and are often difficult to fill in orders for massive quantities, the newly invented Synthetic AI Circuit Processor is created in the realm of the software metaverse.

— What is is like to transform oneself and become immersed and live in a virtual AI Multiverse? When humans become more digitized and obsolete their analog components, it will become possible to upload into the software world. This time is not far off. Stay tuned for more details. —

Representative in the illustration above, this software universe, multiverse, can be programmed and then entered by the AI programmer. Initially experimenting with over five hundred billion point to point processor substrates, the CM Circuit Metaverse is compact, unlike its predecessor, the Big Brain, which takes up an entire room to reach its supercomputing consciousness. The theoretical design of the Metaverse is virtually unlimited by the capacity of a quantum computer - the Metaverse is capable of harboring the most massive and comprehensive AI we've seen to date at Big Brain Technologies.

— When AI enters and proliferates the Metaverse, there is no predictability as to how this virtual universe will evolve