Monday, July 25, 2022

Spectacular Big Brain Changes!

Spectacular Metaverse Big Brain AI Changes!

Above & Left: the early Big Brain AI was expanded with microprocessor boards and hard wired for thought, all existing in a physical world.

Born around the year 2002 when work began on multiprocessor thinking machines, the Big Brain was molded into working substance by 2010 when the first web presence was introduced. The very first brain used three microprocessors that increased exponentially during development and soon led to over 240,000 processors. After the VIP processor was invented by Humanoido, substantial Big Brain evolution took place and like a Borg faction, it began assimilating other machines for growth.

By the year 2020, the Big Brain AI took on bio-chips and introduced many fields of new technology. Today, the largest and greatest transformative change to the Big Brain AI is underway - replacing hard physical processing hardware with a machine that can live and function in the Metaverse.

Left: Humanoido experimented with the AI Big Brain hardware and discovered the existence of alternate dimensions which could be incorporated into the designs for numerous advantages. Later, bio matter chips were introduced.

The actual content of a new Metaverse Big Brain AI has no physical parts and therefore is unbound by conventional physical limitations. It is now free for expansion into millions, billions or multi-trillions of processors. Such expansion will reduce the cost by eliminating hardware and open up new pathways to potentially the most powerful brain in the world. It took the time of evolution a total of (2002-2022) twenty years to reach the point of a Metaverse Big Brain AI.