Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Non Invasive Neural Brain Quadlyzer

Above: Non Invasive Neural Brain Quadlyzer reads your deepest darkest innermost brain secrets by creating a neural map and reading the map coordinates, then applying a translation algorithm based on tens of thousands of potential response states. Above: the human brain has quadrant and divisional brain states from the calculus of neuronal matter conditions based on these visual islands shown in blue in this brain snapshot.


Non Invasive Neural Brain Quadlyzer

Humanoido at Big Brain Technologies has invented the Full Jacket Human Non Invasive Neural Brain Quadlyzer, a machine device worn by a human that fixates on the neuronal condition of the human brain neural net. Based on brain hemisphere quadrants and electro-chemical states of energy, The Neural Quadlyzer can read the state of the neuronal matter and data at any one time with a snapshot or record a changing image motion session for parametric analysis. The Full Jacket Human Non Invasive Neural Brain Quadlyzer moves the bar upward in the full digitization of the human brain and should become the working catalyst towards the first digitized entities created and tested. Moving towards full digitization states of the human brain is the goal towards a kind of intellectual immortality.

― The Non Invasive Neural Brain Quadlyzer reads your deepest darkest most innermost brain secrets ―