Monday, September 12, 2022

Going Under the Knife

Artificial machine heart and a human heart - currently a long term machine heart is not available.  The current option is the replacement of individual human heart bio components in a state of failing. A large machine heart is used in surgery when the human bio heart needs to be stopped, but the usage of such a device is only temporary.

Going Under the Knife
How many would go under the knife to replace good working bio parts if it meant living another 40 years? Maybe not many as the current thinking is use the part until it fails. However this is not a safe nor viable option if the part is a critical functioning bio component in the human heart. A failure here could mean sudden heart attack and death.

Left: thoughts were centered around machine hearts in 1966

Normally one would think that predetermined medical diagnostics could detect the beginning of part failure and then it could be replaced before complete failure but reality shows this is not always the case. As the body ages, like an old car, taking it into the shop and replacing every component is not possible - at least not yet. The future solution is to get the hell out of the adult human body as soon as possible. By digitizing the brain and supplanting it into an android body, most of the ailments and sickness that take down bio humans can be eradicated into oblivion.