Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Save Your Own Life - Live 5 to 20 years into the Future

Save Your Own Life - Live 5 to 20 years into the Future
the starting point is 2023 and the journey is to the future 2028 and 2043

Once again, with this second heart surgery, Cyborg/Transhuman Humanoido shows how to extend life into the future when the bio body has reached its own EOL End of Life. Here, step by step photos show how the blockages were removed using an additional three mechanical devices to restore blood flow. Estimations of longevity with three devices in this surgery and three devices in the previous heart surgery buy an additional 5 to 20 years of life into the future. The process can also be repeated in the future to gain additional time.

Reaching deep into the heart of human life with bio mechanics and robotic machine components to bring the dead back to a semblance of life and live far longer into the future…

LEFT: in this before view, vital coronary arteries have become calcified and blocked, a prelude to death by heart failure.

Enter into the realm of the human heart which is designed to fail at EOL, usually anywhere from 60 years on upwards, averaging 70s statistically. One of the most common range of failures include the heart attack induced by calcified blood distribution system that delivers oxygen throughout the lungs and body. When this plugs and gums up, life failure is imminent and severe coronary angina is the result. If help is instant, the body may be saved. If not, the subject is considered to have lived out his normal lifespan. 

LEFT: after treatment using the latest technology, the above view showing blockages to primary coronary blood vessels as removed and the flow of blood restored.

One new modern technological life saving technique is radial stented angioplasty. To extend life, Humanoido has opted for a coronary angioplasty procedure, also known as percutaneous coronary intervention. The procedure is done on blood vessels called coronary arteries. They supply your heart muscle with oxygen. The goal is to restore blood flow if a substance called plaque has significantly narrowed these vessels. To begin the procedure the doctor will numb the skin in your wrist. A needle will be placed through your
LEFT: before view shows complete heart blockage of primary coronary arteries marked by arrows.

skin and into your radial artery. Next, a flexible guidewire will be passed through the needle into your artery. Then the needle will be withdrawn. It will be exchanged for a small flexible tube called a sheath. This permits access into your artery. You may feel pressure when the doctor inserts the sheath. But you will not feel it moving inside your artery. 

Next, the guidewire will be advanced up to your heart. A flexible tube called a catheter will be advanced over the wire to your coronary arteries. The progress   

LEFT: in the after view, the blockages are removed. Medical doctors worked the areas with radial angioplasty techniques using balloons and mechanical stents.

All b&w photos are from the medical center showing the heart during Humanoido's actual surgical procedure.

of the procedure will be checked with an x-ray device called a fluoroscope. At this point, your doctor will remove the guidewire. Then, the doctor will move the tip of the catheter just inside the coronary artery to be examined. A special dye will be injected into the artery. This allows your doctor to view it better with the fluoroscope. The dye will make any blockages in the artery stand out. 

If a significant blockage is found, your doctor will insert a guidewire into the artery. A balloon on the tip of the catheter will be moved along the wire to the blockage. When the balloon inflates, it will expand the artery and improve the blood flow. You may feel some chest discomfort while this is happening. After this, your doctor will deflate and remove the balloon. A wire mesh tube called a stent may be placed in the treated area. The stent helps keep the coronary artery open. 

A doctor will choose the proper sized stent, which is compressed over a balloon. The stent will be moved into the artery over the same guidewire. When the balloon is inflated, the stent will expand and lock into place. After the balloon catheter is taken out the stent will stay in place to hold the artery open. At the end of the procedure, the guidewire will be removed.

Cyborg/Transhuman Humanoido, as of this date, has had a total of 81 mechanical/machine components implanted into his bio human body (75 + 6). Humanoido is currently living beyond his normal human bio life span by the miracles of modern medical science. While these techniques of life extension do not give one eternal immortality, they do provide the subject for a brief extension to glimpse the future. When Humanoido was queried about what he was looking forward to in the future, the response was to see robots walking down streets, self driving taxis, colonization of Mars, space travel to the stars, and new futuristic inventions.

Note: Humanoido has the "luck of the irish" in finding the finest heart specialist in all of Asia, in the right place at the right time. When Humanoido had a potentially terminal heart attack, he was rushed by ambulance to the hospital where by some miracle, heart surgery expert Dr. Hsiao was roaming the halls at 3am and immediately took the case and began surgery, thus saving Humanoido. Dr. Hsiao has the remarkable experience of over 1,000 heart surgical procedures, and Humanoido states he seriously believes the good doctor has superpower, able to work at high speed with considerable alertness and endurance. Conducting a high speed accurate surgery is extremely desirable because it extends life further by minimizing the exposure to diagnostic radiation during the procedures, more readily protecting the renal system which includes the kidneys. Humanoido is extremely happy and fortunate to have Dr. Hsiao as his heart specialist and owes his life and longevity to his medical expertise.