Saturday, February 18, 2012

Micron Propeller

Create the MP with no hardware changes
Shrinking the Propeller!
One of the most exciting parts of working with a Propeller chip is enhancing it with new ways of thinking out of the box. Expanding the world of Propeller with enlarging enhancements is highly useful for the Big Brain. Contracting the chip is also useful, i.e. shrinking it down to a remarkable "micron" level.

A Micron Propeller is a new small scale version of the full scale Propeller chip. How small? It's exampling prototype is 1/125th of Cog or 1/1000th of the entire chip. It's a prop that's subdivided into smaller processors. It's one of these processors that we are interested in. Propeller chips already have subdivisions of eight Cogs or processors that can work singly or in unison. However, the Micron Propeller takes this to a whole new level of small.

Focus on a Micron Propeller - it's created by the operation of disabling seven Cogs, maintaining functioning of one, and subdividing the one into additional processing units. One of these subdivisions become a Micron Propeller. Micron Propellers are useful for ultra low power consumption, the managing and operating of special code, can be transported to other parts of the chip, and operate green by using only the resources needed. Th e Micron Propeller is derived from the Big Brain's VP technology.

Micron Propeller
Spinoff technology from Big Brain VPs -  the Micron Propeller is the ultimately small Propeller. Each Propeller chip has eight cogs, one of which is subdivided into a maximum of 125 Clones. The remainder cogs are placed in off conditions. One 1/125th of (A), the smallest usable subdivision, is known as a Micron Propeller (MP). One chip can generate many MPs. Each MP holds one Micron program and shares resources including RAM, ROM, Clock, Counters and PINS. MPs can undergo SW transmutations and transporting. The MPRTOS Micron Propeller Real Time Operating System controls timing, parametric handling, multitasking functions, and is a part of Cloning.