Monday, January 3, 2011

Software Test 2

01-03-2011, 01:20 PM CODE 5-95  Software Test 2
It became necessary to have a small program for testing the data light to ascertain the current draw and compare the LED on the Parallax Propeller Proto Board (PPPB) with another one on another pin (mounted on the breadboard).

Attached is testing Spin software for three types of LEDs.
1) On the Demo Board to test the software
2) Surface mount LED on the PPPB
3) LED on the breadboard

Pins are listed in the code and remarks.
The delay between on/off cycles was increased to allow for ammeter settle time between reads.


The Brain Blob by Humanoido
Sunday January 03, 2011

LED Testing for the Brain Blob Project
Blinks LED on pin 24 and/or 25 using the Parallax Propeller Proto Board
Use pin 23 for demo board testing of this software
Use pin 24 to test the Parallax Propeller Demo Board modification (on board LED)
Use pin 25 to test resistors for LED on the breadboard.
Rem out statements to select pins


CON                               ' Constants
  _clkmode       = xtal1 + pll16x ' 80MHz clock
  _xinfreq       = 5_000_000      ' 5MHz crystal
' LED1           = 24             ' LED mod is on pin 24 Proto Board
  LED2           = 25             ' This LED is on the breadboard
' LED            = 23             ' pin 23 demo board
  delay          = 160_000_000    ' Delay enough for ma reading to settle

PUB Main                          ' Main method
' dira[LED1] := 1                 ' Set LED pin as output
  dira[LED2] := 1                 ' Make pin 25 output
' dira[22]   := 1                 ' correct ghost led on demo board
' outa[22]   := 0                 ' correct ghost led on demo board
' outa[LED1] := 1                 ' Initialize pin on pin 24
  outa[LED2] := 1                 ' Light the LED on pin 25
  repeat                          ' Loop below
    blink                         ' Do Private Method blink LED
PRI Blink                         ' Private Method to blink LED
' !outa[LED1]                     ' Toggle state LED
  !outa[LED2]                     ' Toggle state - Light the LED on pin 25
  waitCnt(delay+cnt)              ' Delay