Monday, July 2, 2012

Lab 50 Observatory 1st Astro Image

Early Morning: Rare double planet
& star conjunction seen next to
Taipei 101 in the Hyades Cluster

This is the first astro image photo taken at Big Brain's Taiwan Lab Static Observatory (TSO) early this morning 

JULY 3RD 2012 AT 4:27:38 AM - Taipei 101 and planets Venus (brightest) and Jupiter with the star Aldebaran in the Hyades Cluster. This is a rare twilight conjunction captured at 4:30 am this morning. The telephoto was shot at ISO 6,400 with an exposure of 1/20th second at F4 using a hand held Canon PowerShot S95. This example shows great sensitivity to capture planets and bright stars with a hand held telephoto lens and a rather fast exposure of 1/20th second. This demonstrates the real potential for fast shooting entire digital star maps at F2 with a hand held camera and a dark sky. Closer inspection of this photo (at full size) reveals another star. This image is taken downtown in the heart of Taipei. The Taipei metropolitan area consisting of Taipei, New Taipei and Keelung, has a population of 6,900,273. Taipei is the political, economic, and cultural center of Taiwan.

Twilight The diffused light from the sky during the early evening or early morning when the sun is below the horizon and its light is refracted by the earth's atmosphere.