Monday, September 30, 2013

Approach to Life


There are two trends of though to creating a new life form with present knowledge. First, it's possible to use programming to anticipate every possible contingency. This is a brute force method, and works well for specific isolated environments and knowledge bases.

Secondly, and this is the more difficult approach, to instill learning into the life form, so that it may learn on its own. For centuries, man has looked for the key to this quality. When will a robot life form have the ability to learn? How does one implement the algorithm to learning without the intervention of mankind?

Here at the Lab, the Big Brain machine initiative is working with both methods simultaneously, inside the machine brain, more or less. We still have a way to go in tuning a life form that can have birth and continuously learn the elements of life and living, interfacing with humans and functioning the world around us. On the other hand, the Big Brain, as a working machine brain, has already achieved success, though on a smaller scale.

A smaller scale success is because the number of neurons, while exceeding a few hundred thousand processors, a remarkable achievement by its own right, needs many more processors to increase the level of sophistication and function. Perhaps one should be satisfied with the levels of achievement from the Big Brain, but we are always pushing the envelope for more.

Currently we have worked to give the Big Brain a method of creativity to expand itself into its surrounding world, thereby suggesting the determination and fulfillment of its own initiatives.