Monday, September 30, 2013

Brain Teleconferencing

Simultaneous teleconferencing blocks inside the Big Brain can communicate according to their virtualized presence through "sub interfacing" while the remainder of the brain continues to process its other functions.
You may or may not be aware of numerous techniques developed for use inside the Big Brain, such as transforming, transposing, and teleportation. (see links below) What about utilizing the technique of Teleconferencing, where the projection of one entity particle can appear to reside at alternate locations for the co-exchange and intermingling of data, material, or parametric identities?

Does the human brain employ neural elements of teleconferencing visitations that can be modeled into the machine brain, or will the machine brain remain entirely unique with its implementation of functions? Can you "ghost in" teleconferencing and what are the techniques in doing so? 

— this is not the type of teleconferencing you might think... these are parts inside the brain that can meet up with other parts also inside the brain

How would one most effectively bring two discretely located brain modules together for teleconferencing and the exchange? In this method, we chose to attack the plan by the creation of two discrete modules in the brain, and give each their own unique communications net. The net enables sub communications, while the mains can continue on its routine duties of its own communications. Thus, in effect, teleconferencing is a sub effect within the bowels of the brain.

Teleconferencing, or Tele for short, involves the methodized projection of two entities within the Big Brain machine to a common focal point and reversing the conduit. The conduit reversal allows entity one to interact with entity two and the converse is true, i.e. entity two can interact with entity one. In this condition, the teleconferencing is virtualized, and not an actual transposition in the physical sense of teleportation. For all practical purposes, teleconferencing is like a simplified version of teleportation in the VR world.

For practical, simplified and demonstrative purposes, block unionizing, or the joining of two blocks, can be achieved on a one wire party line. This has the arrangement of one telecommunications channel in effect at one time. The great advantage is that any block can interactively communicate with any other block on a one-to-one fashion.

For bringing in the entire block to location, we recommend using the techniques of teleportation. For ascribing teleconferencing, it is recommended to transmit the parametric identities which define the block and reassemble the blocks at the primary and secondary locations.

Experimental Techniques Developed for Use Inside the Big Brain