Sunday, December 27, 2020

Transhuman Results

Results of Transhuman Conversion

The test results are pouring in from an entire year of converting a human into an AI machine. One area is that of AI and human symbiotic intelligence level.

It is claimed that an IQ of an average human person is 90-129. This study concerns the changes in intelligence quotients for one already at the upper echelon gifted scale, approaching 200, then applied to AI transhuman machine transformations. A transformation is evident, with an elevation extending far above 200 when the human side is combined with the AI machine.

This goes far deeper than learning. How far above is the question because tests are rated for humans and not humans with AI machine constructs. Best guess is 300. So conversations with a transhuman with a quotient of 300 will likely result in it's understanding of you, but not your understanding of it, unless it makes an effort to dumb down its responses. Yet, there are many humans with a low IQ of 45, who go through life like a snail - bumping into things and reacting with emotions such as uncorked anger and not thought. In a recent study, twelve subjects were subjected to machine enhancements. However, the mental and physical state of these subjects widely varied. Only one test subject was classified and rated as gifted. The others varied from IQ45 upwards. Only the subject already gifted and not degenerated resulted with extended intellectual capabilities far above human ranges, as the others were already in declined in various mental states that could not be elevated above normal given the range of enhancement. Therefore it is seen that the amount of intelligence highly depends on the state of the human before AI machine enhancements are incurred.

Illustration: Actually there are not 30 easy ways to increase one's intelligence