Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Snails Enter Time Travel Pods

Snails Enter Time Travel Pods
About a thousand snails entered their space time pods for time travel into the future

Big Brain Technologies Experiment by Humanoido

On Thursday September 16, 2021 at 11:30 am, a thousand snails were fitted into their space time travel pods for a long but unspecified cryogenic journey into the future and then the freezing process began. 

Snails are prepared for their time travel journey by taking a bath in a mild cleansing antiseptic and prepping solution, then matched with their native fauna and food group environment for the reemergence process. 

Snails are a species that can be frozen, survive, and unthaw to return back to life. Using this knowledge, a thousand snails were prepped for a cryogenic freeze journey into space and time. The plan is collection, preparation, freezing, holding, transport, maintaining freezing, transport, and warm emergence. 

— this cryo crypt could be expanded for human species —

Snails enter a specially prepared cryogenic pod designed to freeze the species and maintain freezing temperatures within the cryogenic pod. They are held in this stasis for an unspecified time period, lasting weeks, months, or years. The pod is then transported to the revival area where the snails are warmed to room temperature and emergence takes place. Basically the snails do not age or age an infinitesimal irrelevant amount. However, the snails now find the date is weeks, months or years into the future directly proportional to the elapsed time being frozen no matter what the location. The experiment will verify the snail's time traveling ability into the future through maintained cryogenic freeze sleep pods.

The mechanism by which biological snails can freeze and come back to life is being studied in the lab and may someday be applied to humans for long space flights into the cosmos.